how's this?

OK... new look. It's dark. I like it. Comments? And, I did not design this template, by the way. Nope. Hehe. =^)

Will work on it some more later.

in transition

OK... the blog looks funny, but I'm working on it. Back from vacation. I will post later.

Praise the Lord!

My little brother, Andrew, almost drowned today, but he's alright.

A Big arrival!

I got my Bass this morning! It's great!

The first local concert is Jan 11 in Joseph. If you come to that concert, you will get to hear the Bass! Or, if you can stand the wait, April 5 in Wallowa.

There and back again

We took a trip to see our oldest son be ordained as a pastor and also installed to the church where he is being sent. This church had been without its own pastor for about a year and a half. They were so excited to have Ken there.

Our son originally wanted to be a pro-football player. Then for the longest time he wanted to be the principle tuba player for the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. He went to college to study tuba performance. He majored in Tuba Performance. He sang in a very up scale choir. He thought music would be his life. At first he thought the call of God would take his music away.

Now he is an under-shepherd of Christ. Fifteen other men participated to set him apart as God leads him to a new life. Now he leads the Liturgy (really singing God's Word back to Him). He chants the words over the Lord's Supper. He feeds his flock. He teaches God's Word. He will someday baptize, marry, sit in hospital rooms and one day bury a sheep of his flock.

Te Deum Laudamus!

Pray for many other young men to hear God's call.

(On the trip home, we were one step ahead of the tornadoes that ripped through Iowa and Minnesota. Literally. We also came through Lolo Pass and I really think we ought to take a school tour to follow Lewis and Clark's complete route. So beautiful!)