sad times

These are sad times here at Providence Academy.

Today, there is no school. Actually, I'm not so sad about that, because I've been sick over the weekend and really don't mind not going (I was going to go, though). We had a sick day on Thursday, too, but I wouldn't have gone anyway… I came down sick Wednesday at school… fever. I managed, though.

And now… Elliot and I are recovering, Ashley is sick, Isaiah is sick, Joella and LeeAnna are sick again, and I don't know about the rest (evidently at least 5 down, though, since we cancelled). Dusty was sick part of last week and Blake was getting sick Wednesday and then Thursday and the weekend happened and I don't know how they are. Of Joseph I know not either, except that he went to the Darwinism seminar/conference/thingy up in Moscow on Friday, so… And Anna is doing better, I hear. Mr. Buck's still a bit sick, I think, and of the rest of the staff, I know not for sure.

But of course the real sadness is what some of us found out a few weeks ago (so now everybody knows). We can't afford to keep Mr. Buck on for next year. Which pretty much means no more of the school as we know it, unless God does something amazing (which He's been known to do…). And so the Bucks might be moving so Mr. Buck can have work. And the Deals are moving in the summer. We are breaking up… old ways will be behind us. Strange idea, really. And kind of annoying… I mean, I go to a school since 5th grade and then miss my senior year there? Gah!!!

So anyway, Mr. Buck has us praying for the school at the end of the day there, and we can definitely pray for it anytime. This is year 10 for PA… and now it seems we have come to the end. A ten year experiment, eh?

VectorLover new image locations

I uploaded the template (VectorLover) images on servers to ImageShack a little while ago. Why I did it is because otherwise they were not catching in Firefox… which meant you had to reload the images every time you went to a page on the blog. Bad. So I downloaded those images, uploaded them, and then edited the template to reflect that. Here are the new and old images locations for anyone who wants them. Note that ImageShack slightly changes the filenames of the uploaded images.

Blogger server | ImageShack server

bg.gif | bgha0.gif
quote.gif | quotetg9.gif
header.jpg | headerlp7.jpg | vectorloverheaderprovsa.jpg (custom Providence mod)
top-menu.gif | topmenufe0.gif
nav.gif | navjl9.gif
left-tab.gif | lefttabqe0.gif
right-tab.gif | righttabez7.gif
bullet.gif | bulletfz9.gif
clock.gif | clockgi3.gif
comments.gif | commentsuh0.gif
doc.gif | docmh4.gif
qsearch.gif | qsearchwi9.gif
footer-bottom.gif | footerbottomny7.gif
search.gif | searchzu4.gif

Talent Show pictures

Here, I just uploaded them. Enjoy.

[Facebook album]