Hello, alive and well

Just wanted to check in and say "Hello, we are alive and well." Therefore…

Hello, we are alive and well.

Now to elaborate. The cooperation started off well enough. It was weird having a half day -- made me feel like a real homeschooler. Which reminds me, the official, suitably generic sounding name for the shebang is CHC - Christian Homeschool Co-op.

So anyway, we've gotten through two weeks of it already. The whole 1 half day, 1 off day, one half day on the other side of the day, 1 half day, weekend schedule is throwing me for a bit of a loop, but I can adapt. I just need to learn to manage my time right.

So anyway, if you read this post, pray for us. We could always use it.

school Monday; what will you miss?

I'll miss:

  • Mr. Buck
  • Isaiah
  • lunch break
  • study hall
  • Rhetoric

What about you? Leave some comments; you need either a Blogger account or an OpenID (easy!) for that.

Alright alright

So this blog is pretty much abandoned. Given.

Abandoned forever? Probably not. See, here's what's going on:

  • The school is actually going to be closed next year…
  • …so a bunch of the people involved and some others are doing a homeschool co-op somewhat like the school…
  • …and hopefully the co-op will be able to use the building for free because enough money will be coming into the school from certain sources to cover utilities…
  • …and this is coming along fairly well, praise be to God.
  • It's somewhat harder to blog about school during summer…
  • …because there is no school during summer.
  • Not to mention I've been using it more like the old Providence Academy News…
  • …a journal of events at Providence, not covering everything, but giving us a slice of life view.
  • ….And that's pretty much all I have to say right now.
  • Catch you later.


Prepare Well

These are guidelines and tips that Mr. Tollefson gave us in Rhetoric class for our final speech. I thought they were some general good advice for doing a speech following the five canons of Rhetoric, and received permission to post it. Here is a cleaned up version (grammar, spelling, formatting), which I hope I have not taken too much liberty in doing. Here also is the cleaned up version in PDF, as well as the original.

[begin document]


1. Inventio or Make sure you have a clear statement of what you want to say- A blind squirrel can find a nut every once and awhile. You will find that if you can concisely state what you want to say you will be better prepared to get up and speak about it. A thesis statement should cause your hearers to respond in one of two ways- Arouse interest, shock, or anger--- "Oh really?" or invite praise , adulation or a hardy AMEN. Remember your thesis statement should be drawn out of a burning in your heart to say something. It should be so concise that it feels like a smooth polished stone in your sling ready to flatten some ugly giant.

2. Elocutio or Proof- Here is where you win or lose your moment. Don't be boring- please, please, please. Boring is produced by being unorganized and scattered brained. Even if the topic is interesting if you are disorganized it will be boring, or at the least disappointing. You all know how frustrating a cell phone is with poor reception? You don't want your audience to feel like throwing you across the room.
            This is why we use enthymenes and examples, maxims and fables. If used properly they bring clarity--- and clarity is the most important part of persuasion.
            A. Enthymene- How to chose the right enthymene? First reread your thesis statement and be very clear about what you want to say, prove or swindle us into believing. Second, read through Aristotle's list and ask yourself which one would best lead you in the direction of your conclusion. Maybe setting forth the opposite would work? Maybe a key word needs redefining in your audience's little brains? Maybe you need to show what a previous decision has done? You choose, but what my Greek teacher use to say is, "If it sings to you ...use it".
            Thirdly, ask yourself "what type of presentation does my thesis fall under?" Is this going to be a political, forensic or ceremonial speech? If political, I need to think future, if forensic, past, etc. Maybe my enthymene lends itself to one or the other.

            B. An Historical Example- It doesn't matter whether your topic is past present, or future, there is always room for an historical example. Examples paint a picture, which can be good or bad. Don't hurt yourself with your historical example. Many a time an historical example can go both ways. Kind of like an insurance adjuster. You have to do your research here. Think of cause and effect kind of stuff. This happened and the results were this... positive or negative. Please remember to elaborate. Paint the picture, don't leave your audience to guess. Here is where you have a chance to either be very convincing or terribly boring. No wonder most people hate history. Simply put--- it is because no one seems to be able to tell stories anymore. You be different. Practice, imagine, describe, relate, get me into the picture.

            C. A Maxim. This is really important because if your audience is still awake at this point, then this should be your pithy grabber. It should be drawn from your historical example. It will nail it for you if you're good at it. For example... "God commands us to our propensities." That is a pithy grabber that is drawn out of the Ten Commandments. It proves that God knows what our weaknesses are before we do. Here you need to be brief, pointed and to the mark.

            D. A Fable- A fable needs to be short and sweet. But review the eight steps for a fable. Start with an encomium (praise), then a brief paraphrase, then the cause, etc. Don't cut corners here; follow the recipe.

3. Dispositio- or Order- Let me tell you a secret-- if you put this together right you will look like a genius. That is the secret of genius. People who are geniuses are not those who are winging it, but those who did their homework. Start with your enthymene- if you don't your arguments are going to look weak. You are possibly going to sound arrogant and shallow all at the same time. If that happens then just sit down. Give them the substance of your argument in an enthymene form and then prove it with your maxims and fables. I want you to organize an outline of your speech. I want an introduction, body and conclusion. If you don't know where you are going no one is going to follow you.

4. Pronuntiatio or Posture and diction- Good posture shows confidence. It says this person really knows what they are talking about, or at least they are not making me feel icky inside. You see the reason bad posture and nervousness are such killers is that it effects your audience. EVERYTHING EFFECTS YOUR AUDIENCE!!! So, be kind to them by being well dressed for the occasion, by not biting your nails, fidgeting with your hair, looking away, or up or down. But, speak TO THEM. Give it to them instead of making them run after it. Speak up, be clear, stop saying "and um, and um, um ,um, um." We're talking a good delivery here.

5. Memoria, or memory- It really does help to persuade your audience if you have some of it in your head already. Yes, there is room. Put some of it to memory. At least your maxim should be stated from memory. Please don't stumble over the very part that is suppose to be a pithy grabber. You will make it a clunky stabber.

[end document]

Pictures, summer, and the return of Isaiah

It's already been a nice beginning to summer, and it gets sweeter, because today… Isaiah comes home! It seems like a long time since that fateful March 31. But today he comes home. But please don't rush over there today. I would guess that they wouldn't really want any visitors today, because the trip down here might be tiring. But there is a BBQ at the Buck home on the Providence Academy lawn on Saturday, so keep that in the back of your mind.

So praise God for that. And… the last day of school was well. We did more cleaning and had some partying (party = food, games). And the Rhetoric class gave their speeches (Anna, Ashes, and me, that is). Here are some pictures from the day.

And here are some Graduation pics if you want a look-see.

Summer has been nice so far… I mostly relaxed over the weekend (except for a killer game of Ultimate on Sunday).

Peace in your hair grease.

a lonely Wednesday

Today was our last full day of school. The Rhetoric class took their final. The Algebra class did tessellation. The Latin Class finished watching Ben-Hur. The US. History class watched some of War Letters, a documentary of letters from and to U.S. soldiers during wars.

Then came clean up - more cleanup upstairs. There is so much junk up there…
Allen, James, and I helped Mr. Buck cleanout books from his office; I carried one from the late 1800s… so old.

So yeah, tomorrow is Thursday, the last day of school. Hopefully it won't be rainy like it was a little while ago (some thunder earlier). Damaris, Marie, and Joseph will be giving their Rhetoric speeches at the picnic, I think.

This is just so… weird.


The 10 year Monday

Today is the 10 year Monday, as I just said. Actually, school was probably out by this time in '99, but anyway, we are almost to the ten year completion mark. Woot!

This morning we had chapel outside on the steps (well, the deck or whatever you call it) because we students were already hanging out there and Mr. Buck just decided to have an informal chapel there.

Today is the last week this year…. sigh. It's bittersweet as Mr. Buck said. I'm excited to get out of school for summer, but the future is uncertain and it seems it shall be a strange summer.

In any case, it's middle name week! It was my idea, and the bulk of the seven students have picked it up enthusiastically. Here is a photo for reference:

So, top row (left to right): Mr. Walter, Mrs. Ann, and Mrs. Marie
Middle row: Marylin, Marie, Rae, and Damaris (pronounced Dah-muh-ris).
Bottom row: Joseph, Allen, James, Andrew, and Leslie (the last two are seniors and aren't here this week. In fact, they're graduated!).

The rest of the week is casual attire because we are doing bunches of school cleanup in preparation for whatever comes next at Providence Acad.

Rhetoric is my main concern this week - preparation for the test and polishing and practicing my speech. See you at the picnic on Thursday!


Prov. Acad. May 13 2009

Today at school: much more clement weather than yesterday -- that was windy, cold, and snowy. Not really anything special. We started Chapter 11 in Algebra. We talked about branding (not like cows, but Coca-Cola) in US History. I took some pictures. I also took some of last night's award ceremony/singing/Rhetoric stuff/US History report/Latin Play with Mrs. Bomberger's camera. She has them… maybe I can get copies from her.

Anyway, [here] are the photos.

[photos] <--- Use that link if you want… sheesh, I don't care.

some Patriots Ball pics

These aren't all I took, but here (Facebook) are some better ones. If you've got links to other albums, put 'em in the comments and I'll include them.

April 16, '09

LeeAnna and Joella were back today after being absent Tuesday and Wednesday because of illness. Dusty left early for a track meet. Ashley is absent still; she has the flew, yuck.

Some good news about Isaiah: he is to be admitted to the Southwest Idaho Acute Care Hospital after all. Thank God for that!

Also, I changed the feed URL for the CaringBridge journal. It is now


another today

LeeAnna is down with a sinus infection and Joella is sick with something, too. Pray for them, especially LeeAnna - sounds really not fun. Ashley also went home early this afternoon - illness of some sort, I didn't get the details.

We got out and went home a period before usual; it was just study hall and we didn't need to stay, plus it gave Mr. Buck some more time. He took of for Lewiston this afternoon.

Isaiah has been showing very good signs and seems to be slowly waking up. Hope and pray. You can check out updates at the CaringBridge website set up for him. I also have created a feed with Feed43 which is funneled into the blog (look up ^^^) via a Feed Informer widget; you can also plug it into a feed reader if you want.

[Note: July 02 2009: a while back I switched it from Feed Informer to Feed2Js.]


We all know what's going on, and we are all praying. i could write something here, maybe I will, but I don't really need to. I will, however, leech off Mrs. Bakker's diligent blogging. She has made several posts about Isaiah.

If you want to keep up with what's going on:

Mrs. Bakker's blog
friend Sharon Robertson on Facebook
friend Jackie Barreto on Facebook
get on the email list - talk to/call/email my mom (Sharon)
more etc…

You get the picture. Keep praying.

Edit 04/08/09: I just posted to a broken mold and linked to some stuff; see it if you want. I linked to a collection of bookmarks relating to Isaiah (or just use that link... whatever).

sad times

These are sad times here at Providence Academy.

Today, there is no school. Actually, I'm not so sad about that, because I've been sick over the weekend and really don't mind not going (I was going to go, though). We had a sick day on Thursday, too, but I wouldn't have gone anyway… I came down sick Wednesday at school… fever. I managed, though.

And now… Elliot and I are recovering, Ashley is sick, Isaiah is sick, Joella and LeeAnna are sick again, and I don't know about the rest (evidently at least 5 down, though, since we cancelled). Dusty was sick part of last week and Blake was getting sick Wednesday and then Thursday and the weekend happened and I don't know how they are. Of Joseph I know not either, except that he went to the Darwinism seminar/conference/thingy up in Moscow on Friday, so… And Anna is doing better, I hear. Mr. Buck's still a bit sick, I think, and of the rest of the staff, I know not for sure.

But of course the real sadness is what some of us found out a few weeks ago (so now everybody knows). We can't afford to keep Mr. Buck on for next year. Which pretty much means no more of the school as we know it, unless God does something amazing (which He's been known to do…). And so the Bucks might be moving so Mr. Buck can have work. And the Deals are moving in the summer. We are breaking up… old ways will be behind us. Strange idea, really. And kind of annoying… I mean, I go to a school since 5th grade and then miss my senior year there? Gah!!!

So anyway, Mr. Buck has us praying for the school at the end of the day there, and we can definitely pray for it anytime. This is year 10 for PA… and now it seems we have come to the end. A ten year experiment, eh?

VectorLover new image locations

I uploaded the template (VectorLover) images on blogger.com servers to ImageShack a little while ago. Why I did it is because otherwise they were not catching in Firefox… which meant you had to reload the images every time you went to a page on the blog. Bad. So I downloaded those images, uploaded them, and then edited the template to reflect that. Here are the new and old images locations for anyone who wants them. Note that ImageShack slightly changes the filenames of the uploaded images.

Blogger server | ImageShack server

bg.gif | bgha0.gif
quote.gif | quotetg9.gif
header.jpg | headerlp7.jpg | vectorloverheaderprovsa.jpg (custom Providence mod)
top-menu.gif | topmenufe0.gif
nav.gif | navjl9.gif
left-tab.gif | lefttabqe0.gif
right-tab.gif | righttabez7.gif
bullet.gif | bulletfz9.gif
clock.gif | clockgi3.gif
comments.gif | commentsuh0.gif
doc.gif | docmh4.gif
qsearch.gif | qsearchwi9.gif
footer-bottom.gif | footerbottomny7.gif
search.gif | searchzu4.gif

Talent Show pictures

Here, I just uploaded them. Enjoy.

[Facebook album]

the Republic vs. Pure Democracy in America

[Here's a paper I enjoyed writing for Rhetoric. Hope you guys enjoy  it.]

    The end of democracy is freedom, and freedom is sweet. People are right in saying that was the reason our nation was founded, why our fathers did what they did. But it wasn't free-for-all freedom. It wasn't do-anything-you-want freedom. It is easy to see that is what we call anarchy, and its results are chaos. That is why we created a constitution, and by its conditions a body of lawmakers, who in turn create the laws of the land. It's you–are-ruled-by-what-you-tell-us freedom. Or at least it should be.
    If we now replaced the representative system currently in place by a pure democracy with a vote by internet democracy, it would be insanity. The government has grown tremendously complex. A vote on everything that congress would normally be voting on would have to be taken by the people. Every single one. That would get tiring very quickly (and most people might "who cares!?" over some of the seemingly more trivial decisions). Furthermore, the discussion that Congress has everyday they convene cannot viably happen among all the citizens. For one, there would be by no way be enough time to hear what everybody who had something to say say it. Another concern is the more technical and geographical aspects. It is obviously also impossible to get all the citizens together in one place and yack about stuff every time something comes up (which is constantly). Web forums and the like are more viable, but still do not guarantee access to every citizen eligible to vote (and what about citizens not allowed to vote? Would they be allowed to interact with voting citizens in this way, and possibly influence them?). The most pressing concern, however, is that what our representatives do is a full time job. They put research into deep matters, ponder issues, and vote. Many people in America who would be making these democratic decisions have jobs to work and a life to live. Our representative also have a lot more experience and knowledge than the average joe in matters political, economical, environmental, and well... a lot of other things. Yet another concern: if all Americans are voting, doesn't that mean that anyone (including children) could bring up a measure? The ideas brought up would surely be flabbergasting in content and volume.
    It is not to say that our representative system is perfect (though perhaps as perfect as it ever may be), but the problems of congregation, discussion, time, knowledge, experience, and of course voter fraud, would result in a system that would shortly become perfect insanity.
    Representation therefore wins.

Anna absent and Marshall Cox guest

Title pretty much says it; Anna has a cold and so was absent today. Marshall Cox was a guest at school today, for some reason or another.


spaghetti + casual

So here's what happened today.

Today was a a casual day, so everybody came in casual clothes.
Joella was absent; she's still sick, and resting up for her recital, I would guess.
Mr. Barton was absent as he was Tuesday, so Mr. Tollefson taught and gave us an overview of the Old Testament and we played a trivia game.
We did some reading on Socialism and Democracy in Rhetoric today (depending on which team our on... I'm socialist!)
We had a great potluck lunch of spaghetti (noodles and red sauce/stuff), salad, milk free garlic bread (I think that's what it was... kind of looked like french toast), my mom's cookie bars, somebody else's cookies, and jello (no carrots for real, Blake... 'twas pineapple).
We took a quiz in US History over the reading we were supposed to have done. And we watched some of Gods and Generals.
I left during study hall (forgot to do my chore, realized that on the short ride home). Did some piano practicing at home, then drove to my piano lesson with my mom. Got to play the sanctuary piano; it's the crispest one I've ever used... nice. And driving home was fine; did not run over any toasters, but had to stop for some birds.

And then I've been online for hours, a good portion of that dealing with PAN. And the news, if you didn't catch it earlier, and didn't notice for some reason, is that we have a nice, bright, new template: VectorLover. I've been customizing it; widgets have been added, links added, tags put in a tag cloud. Any comments? About anything?

Oh, and P.S. the annual Talent Show went well. I think I'll put up a link to my Facebook album of pictures soon (I think posted those...).


New template: VectorLover

Hello, Providencians, here is our big, bright, and cheery new blog template, VectorLover. Enjoy.

And, by the way, I'm going to use this post for testing. And be sure to tell me what you think.



Hey, we have the name now

I don't know if you noticed, but last year the note that went home every week was called the Monday Note or at least one time, the Monday Not. This year it's called In Principio Erat Verbum, it seems, which is our school motto. Edit: Elliot just informed me it's called From the Headmaster's Desk, (which is on the note under the motto) or maybe In Principio Erat Verbum: From the Headmaster's Desk [end edit]. It used to be called Providence Academy News, and so did we. Except we still are, and it's not. Woot.

Template quest: I'm thinking about Emplode. It's closer to the colors of the school website, unlike some others I looked at.

ISS Sighting Times

Hey, y'all. Posting this here for convenience.

The info for La Grande (yup, that's as close as we get) is available on the school calendar under 'ISS Visible' and also is available right here on NASA's website.

everybody back again (2nd time)

Everybody was back again today… for the second time. Dusty and Isaiah had been out sick but they were both back today.

Other stuff: talent show is on Friday. Wake Up Jane is performing a song they wrote and Mrs. Bomberger's Chorus class is singing a few, too. Hope we do well. And as far as I know, I'm not exhibiting any of my photography, as I am assuming the photography the Deals are putting on display are prints, and I have very few of those (like four).

Regarding the template, I have a bunch bookmarked from BTemplates. I might note even use any of those, but some of them are pretty cool.

And… the US History class (Anna, Ashley, Blake, Dusty, Isaiah, and Nathaniel) is doing a couple of class projects. Anna, Blake, and Dusty are working on a gigantic timeline of people from 1800-1900. Also, we're doing yet another paper, but this one is accompanied by a fill blown project of some kind (or a poster for losers less points) and the timeline for it stretches into next trimester (the final trimester, woo-hoo!).

Matthew's VOD Essay 2007

[VOD Gallery Index]

[Hullo, Nathaniel here. Upon request, Matthew kindly sent me what he could scrounge up of the VOD essays he has done. Here's his 2007 one. Enjoy, and thanks, Matt.]

My Role in Honoring America's Veterans

My great-grandfather died after WWII of shrapnel wounds. He was a veteran. They have fought, bled and suffered for our country. They have upheld the standard of Justice the world around. For protecting our country, they are honored. What is honor? How do I show it? I show it through observing holidays in memory and recognition of veterans, by supporting them through the government, and by personally supporting and interacting with them.
Honor is defined by Noah Webster as: "The esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation," and "reverence; veneration." We esteem veterans because of their worth; because of what they mean to this country. Without veterans, this country would not be free, would not be safe, would not be a place where we can pursue learning and art. As John Adams said, "I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their sons the right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."
It is in honor that a special unit of the third U.S. Infantry continually guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. There the inscription on the tomb reads: "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God." The deep honor and emotion associated with this memorial serve to illustrate the worth America places on her veterans. So how do I, as a citizen, express this gratitude? For one thing, I observe the national holidays instituted in honor of veterans.
A holiday is a day set aside in recognition, honor, or commemoration. Memorial Day is a holiday Americans celebrate in commemoration of those veterans who have died in military service for their country; on memorial day, I remember those who have died to make me free, a very Biblical concept. I buy a poppy, which symbolizes the poppies of Flanders field, where so many soldiers died in WWI; young, full of life, and whose lives were suddenly cut short. Likewise, on Veteran's Day, I take some time to remember how much I appreciate all the people I know who have served in the military.
We also honor veterans by giving them preference in hiring for jobs; we know those who have served our country on the national level will do a good job on the local level. And, finally, I honor veterans in my personal interactions with them. When I see someone with a military bearing and wearing a uniform, I want to show them how much I appreciate all they have done, wether it involves opening the door for them, learning what they have to tell me, or just giving them a smile.
These are all ways I honor America's veterans, but it goes further than that. By being involved with my community and my government, I can show my continued support for the standards we have fought for. I can raise my children with a love for their country and a desire to protect it. And, most of all, I can pray for our country, the people it stands for, and the people who fought to keep it that way.

we're all back together

Thank God for answering my prayer that we'd all be back together again soon! Today was the first day in a while that all the students of Providence Academy were in attendance. LeeAnna had been the missing one (for a shorter time) this time. And, it seems maybe Ashley doesn't/didn't have mono, since she is feeling better so soon.

But please pray for Mr. Buck, as he is getting sick once again, and he's under a lot of stress anyway. And please pray/continue to pray for Mr. Obama, especially during this crucial time of beginning.

Ashes is back, LeeAnna still gone

Not much else to say than that, except congrats to Mr. Obama, and I will be praying for him, as I hope you all will.

And… I hope to work on the template this weekend. Hopefully we can make this blog a little more of a jumping off point/social center/whatever.


Hey, can we have your VOD?

I don't know if you saw the Official PAN VOD Gallery, but it's there in any case.

So, would you mind letting your VOD essay from any year at Providence be published on here? If your a blog contributor and want to do it, go ahead. Please format it single spaced. Id you're not a contributor and you want to share, just email me (on my Blogger profile), Matthew,  or the staff email, Urban_Artist-PAN-panstaff_email-image (it's an image to prevent spam).

I know the topics change year to year, but it would still be an inspirational collection.

An update… finally

Hello all, Nathaniel here, and it's been a while.

So, what's been going on at Providence Academy. Well, LeeAnna returned recently after healing up from a (literally) deadly staff infection, but Ashley found out she has mono. Not cool. And… what with all the sickness (LeeAnna's sick again… just a regular somethingarather, I am guessing), Wake Up Jane's clock is ticking away. Talent Show is on the 30th, and they haven't practiced for quite a while.

The rest of us have just been plugging away… Algebra 2 Chapter 5 test is on Tuesday (finally!). I already started it thought, and Anna's already got it finished.

Old Testament has been quiet enough, as usual. Rhetoric has been cool… we're reading some papers we did and debating them. Mr. Tollefson has no qualms about some intense questions.

Creative Writing I don't know much about… I can only guess it's been chugging along, too.

Chorus (yes, that's what it's *really* called): we've been chilling with this DVD called The Perfect Blend (is there really a 'the' on the front?)

Lunch… cool and boring as always. =)

That's all I can think of classwise right now.

And in blog news… I think maybe sometime in the near future I'll change the blog template to something light and a bit easier to read. Not that I don't like the template, but it's not the most ergonomic on the eyes. And, I've found some good sources for Blogger templates, it seems, so it's just a matter of finding a good one, applying it, and tweaking. Got any suggestions… specific recommendation or theme or style idea? Drop a comment if you do.

And, one more thing: I don't know if y'all noticed, but I changed a setting a while back so that the post date appears at the bottom of the post. Much better for reference.

Oh, and not to mention… Anna and Matthew recently rolled their car, but their all A-OK. The car is a bit damaged, but not totaled.

Ok, I'm done, I promise.