We made it to Butte.

We're in Butte, MT.
I'm getting a pretty sweet download speed.
Signing off.


Oh what fun it is to grab a handful of throttle and FLY!!!

Three reasons why snowmobiling is such fun:

  1. Floating through deep powder, flipping the sled from one side to the other
  2. Throttling off a steep slope into nothing but pure adrenaline, then touching down in a blur of flying snow
  3. Drifting around a corner at full speed, then throwing your weight to one side and feeling one ski clear the ground
Good times...



We of the Bomberger clan, all ~27 (+/- ?), attended church Christmas Eve. We enjoyed seeing the first childrens' service to include our own grandchildren! Kade and Elanor did very well for the nearly three year olds that they are. The little children sang a song and later were part of the flock of sheep in attendance at the Nativity.
After meetings and greetings of old friends home for visits and driving through the city to see the light displays, we headed to my brother in law's house for our family party. This year we had 27 stockings over the fireplace, all crossstiched by my mother in law!
Well fortified by the traditional Christmas treats such as pfefernusse, oyster stew (or chicken bisque for the faint at heart) and pumpkin roll, we headed to the livingroom to have the gift exchange. This year there was some trouble with the name drawing procedure and so two people recieved two gifts instead of the one and others didn't get a gift from anyone... lest you should worry for those hearty Bombergers, there are always more than one gift anyway, so it was really all good.
I stepped into the frosty night at about 11pm to take my mom home (she's not an *official Bomberger*, but one of the honorary ones none the less, the category reserved for our offsprings' intended spouses...we have, sadly, scared off more than one faint hearted young lady after they get a look at us all together ; ) ) We are a formidable group indeed!
Upon returning to spend the night at the bil's home we had time for a cozy visit in the glow of the tree. Christmas Day we were up early and went to my mom's house to cook breakfast fro the Bernhardt crew. Far fewer in numbers, we eat a leisurely breakfast, open our popers and don our tissue paper hats for the Christmas tree. That is what my mom calls giving the Christmas gifts out. All the children were more sedate and enjoyed each toy or book as it was presented. We readied for Christmas Day church and were seated in the pew by 10:00!

These hectic few hours of celebration and bonding with family, a raucous merry assalt to the senses, pales in comparison to the sweetness of attending church, both the Chrismas Eve and the ChristMas Day services. We hear the story from Scripture once again, we see the beauty in the sanctuary that reflects the beauty of the Babe of Bethlehem, we smell the snuffed candles' smoke rising gently, we touch and taste the elements of the Lord's Table. Christmas Blessings to you all, my dear ones!

lol again

credits to some guy on an irc channel for the title, i think (irc.freenode.net, #sabayon-social).



Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Bob

Aunt Janet

lol - all these from last night
love you

Parker Christmas Break!

Well! It's that time of year again folks.
Christmas is here. We got out of school yesterday. truthfully, it was a genuine relief. The chance to stop and take a breath was so very beneficial. I feel healthier :D. On the other hand, the antics of the boys, and conversations of our young ladies at school, and our teachers as well, will be much missed.
The first day of break: I went caroling with the Tollys, Moffits, and the Kemps. We caroled for a couple different individuals. We caught Alan in the midle of afeway and sang to him. Lol, it was quite the experience, singing in the middle of Safeway! We caroled for Mrs. and Mr. Roddey, and for the dear elderly at the nursing home.
After this, I came home and set to furious relational work at my computer. (Emailing ;). In the midst of this, somebody knocked on my window. I looked over to see a guy peering through the window in the night staring at me. Unnerving? I think so too! He was wearing a Santa hat. I was only to discover that the stranger was my favorite person in the whole world...my brother! Yes, that is right. Eric randomly showed up at my window, having decided to come home early this year. So that resulted in a big twirl and hug, and a long late night of silly conversation.
Since then, I have been cleaning,and decorating the house, and consuming excessive amounts of chocolate. Can you say, "MMMmmmm!" ?
This week will hopefully only bring the best. Eric and I plan to learn some complex swing dance moves and take lots of pictures.
The season also brings its frightening aspects. Every year at Christmas Eve, my Parker reletives hold a party. There are about 100 of us in attendance. We gather around the piano, and my grandmother plays as we sing. This year my grandmother told me I had to take over the piano for her, so she could "retire" from it. I told her I couldnt do it, but she would have none of that. So in a couple days I will be playing in her place. I could back out if I wanted too, and just refuse to do it. I have that option. On the other hand, Mrs. Tolly told me I should consider it an honor. I am thinking, that if I decide not to do it, I will miss a major blessing. It will be like running away, and I would later regret that. I should face my fears and good will result. I know it. Now, if only I could convince myself. :D..
Okay. Will let yall know how that goes.
Miss you all!
Merry Christmas!

Joy to the World!

Our Savior is born! Let us rejoice!

So, thanks everyone. We made it to Christmas break. Sweetness.

Things seem to be going relatively well. Feel free to post about your doing. Put photos on. Have fun!

I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow, but I plan to be posting at Lostine Photography (while I'm gone, even though my camera is away again.

Ta, see you all later!

Life after school!

Well, here we are in for the next installment of my life after school!

I got home and listened to the message from my youngest, their Christmas presents arrived, they OPENED them already and called to say thanks. KIDS!

Then I did some house work while fighting with my printer trying to print a few pictures of the Weddin' for a man at my church who plans to make something for the new Mr. and Mrs. Ives. . . There isn't much in this world that I hate (bananas, liver, trashy lit.) but I have developed a STRONG hatred for my printer! It is SO temperamental and I am ready to throw it out in the snow! I had to shut everything down about 4 times and start all over and even then the temperamental thing acted up, it won't feed paper correctly or it stops rolling but continues inking, or it keeps giving me the 'out of paper' message when there is paper in the feeder! AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

The hubby got up about 5, he must have been sleepy and apparently my fight with the printer didn't disturb him! He was heading to a dinner with the other Elders and I was heading to orchestra practice so I didn't get to tell him that the printer is soon to be murdered.

So, I got to Enterprise for Orchestra, different rehearsal location this week, and had to wait for about 20 min with other reed players, for the key to show up. When I got there, I noticed my radiator was steaming and it smelled like anti-freeze, nothing I could do but pray that I would get home and go in to practice.

Then we had a thin but successful rehearsal, not a lot of people came but we worked well and got a lot accomplished.

As we were leaving one of the little elderly lady violin players tripped and went down hard, right in front of me and several others that were going out the same way. She was pretty shook up but seems to be ok, we gathered her and her things up and got her in the car. Luckily she had car pooled with others and didn't have to drive home alone.

I got home at the exact same time the hubby got home from his dinner, just in time for him to leave for work. I did tell him that my car seems to need attention, but praise God, it got me home OK! I have had more miracles happen to me with that car!

He went to work, I ate a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner, wrote this and am now ready for bed!

Good night all!

Hurley Vacation

I'm in Boise, ID.
I'm getting awesome internet speed.
I drove here, and it was murder.
The freeway from LaGrande to North Powder was closed, and there were a bunch of cars parked at the turn-off to the freeway.
But we outsmarted them all.
We took the road through Union to North Powder, and then had the freeway to ourselves!
But it was slushy.
I've never driven in slush before.
It was.......exhilarating.......to say the least.
Evidently the road after Baker had been closed, but just as we got there, cars started pouring onto the highway.
Then the roads were coated with snow and ice.
Everyone shifted into 4-wheel and slowed to 35mph.
It was fun.
Then it was raining so hard there was standing water on the roads......another fun one.
I love hydroplaning.
But we're still alive.....
This is a weird posting format.
That's it.

My weird life!

After school, I had intended to stay for the auditions again but needed to run home and let dogs out first. When I got here, there was a really weird message on my answering machine which took a bit to figure out. By the time dogs had finished I understood what i was hearing. . . a message from a taxidermist in Elgin who had finished the elk antler mount that the DH had taken out a week or so ago. I was trying to plan how to get these things done and paid for without the DH trying to pay for it or pick them up and find out they were already paid. I needed a Christmas idea for him in the worst way so after he left for work and to deliver the antlers one evening, I called this man and we set it up that he would call me at school, not tell the DH when they were done and not let him know how much it would cost. Luckily, the hubby was still asleep when I got here so I was able to get the message before he did and call the guy to set up pick up. phew. . . .THEN, as soon as I got off the phone, checked the time and started for the door to go to the auditions, number 2 daughter called to let us know how they'd survived the ice storm in OKC. They live in Norman which was apparently the hardest hit of the greater OKC area and we hadn't heard from them. They ended up stuck at my son in law's parent house, with cell phones but no power to charge them! The family's phone lines were down due to ice so they couldn't call the old fashioned way and they couldn't get to work or anyplace where there was wireless Internet! WE hadn't been fretting about them but I was really glad to hear from them. They were able to get home today, the power had been repaired and all is improving. Both plan to go back to work tomorrow. Matt works for the OKC courts and they have been froze out since Sunday night, Lacey works at an office max a mile or so from their house but when they got stuck at her mother in laws house, it was about 25 miles north whit a frozen and closed freeway between her and work. So, I missed what went on but look forward to a wonderful Shakespeare production later this next year!

Then it was time to feed the now awake hubby and do those daily evening chores. While we were having dinner the Antiques Road Show, UK version came on and it was being broadcast from Edinburgh, Scotland in the Assemble Room on George Street in the New Town, way cool because when Lacey and I were in Edinburgh we went to that same place for dinner; neeps, tatties, cranachan, haggis and dancing and piping and all that goes along with said haggie dinner! Boy it was fun to see somewhere you've been shown on TV! Then after getting the hubby off to work I had a few minutes to try chess against the computer, been wanting to try it but haven't just been able to sit and do nothing but play a game against Vista. . . needless to say, I lost.

I think it's past my bed time now that I am humiliated in chess and ready for my book!

Wednesday after school

I put my pumpkin spice cream cheese in the fridge and called a friend in Cove about her chickens. She left me a message that her Bardrocks are loosing their feathers and she's concerned that they would freeze over the winter. I gave her some suggestions about possible causes, and what to do, then we visited about all our kids, grandkids and some friends we don't get to see too often anymore. It was nice to talk to her!

Then I scoped out ticket prices and schedules for plane fares to Kansas City in January. My daughters have a plan and hopefully I'll get there as well, surprise one for her 30th, visit with both and have a nice but fast weekend visit together, if we can coordinate prices, times, days off, and all the other little things that can cause travel troubles.

Then the DH got up and called the Brother In Law in Joseph to give him a hard time because he's sold an old horse to a family, mostly because the horse is too old for what the brother in law wants, not because it's too old for life, it will make an excellent kids horse, BUT that isn't stopping the DH from giving his BIL a rough time about it. So, I eavesdropped and added my 2 cents worth about that being his wife's favorite horse and now it's gone, boohoohoo! In Laws are fun to mess with.

Then I checked e-bay to see if the gift item the DH is getting his Mother for Christmas was still his, it is. Then UPS delivered the gift I had ordered for my sister in law's Christmas present. I thought she'd like some breading pans to cook with so I found a nice set on the JC Penny website Friday and ordered them, I was tickled they came today! I opened the package, then opened the box with the item description, 'set of 3 stainless steel breading pans' and out slid a pair of men's slippers! Imagine my horror! So, then I called JCP customer service and got that sorted out! They were very helpful and apologetic.

Then I put left-overs in the oven for dinner, sat down and tried to read the paper. Last week when I made lasagna for dinner it apparently dripped a bit into the oven and I missed it, until tonight's dinner began to smell of burning cheese! I headed in the kitchen to put out what I thought was a fire and found a black liquid science project forming under the bottom element on top of the tin foil oven liner. Boy, it's FUN replacing a hot piece of stinky tin foil under a hot element that has a bit of burnt cheese residue on it while the oven it also hot! Everyone should get a chance to do that once in their life! But, disaster averted and the yams and ham didn't even taste of burnt lasagna when we ate them!

Then I decided I'd better do this before I forget what I did today!

Next installment. . .

What I did after school today!

Came home, let dogs out and in again. Then I called a lady back, the wife if a friend the Hubby works with, she wanted to pick my brain for a minute, 1:11:27 later I got off the phone.

Then I made a thing for this evening and while it was choculating (Yes it is a word, a new one, if Mrs. Bomby can make lavatation and chapelating, I can have choculating! Isn't English fun?) I checked e-mail. There was a really funny one about a guy who responded to telemarketers by acting like he was a cop on the crime scene of a murder and begins to grill the telemarketer like he was a suspect. . . By the time I was done on the computer, the chocolate was fully chocolated and I did whipped cream to go one it. . . won't you be sorry if you don't come tonight? heeheehee

Then I got a call on the prayer chain, called the next person in line and passed it on. The daughter in law of a lady at my church has been double wammied with pneumonia and whooping cough! OWCH! And ick.

By then the hubby was up, and I made him some coffee, sent him out to fix the horses feeder because now there is snow, now they get hay. Fixed feeder + hay = happy horsies!

So. . . that's my afternoon so far! Apparently I am now going to throw a ball for a corgi as she has just tossed it at me!

Concerning Youtube Videos

For those of you technically <(^.^<) inclined, here is a generic method of downloading Youtube videos.
As an after note, you will have to rename the file with an .flv extension.
If you have any further questions about the steps involved (I had to play around before I figured out exactly what the instructions meant), then just email me at tmatthurley@gmail.com.

Always watching...

A Few Fitting Words

Here are just a few well-put phrases, for your viewing pleasure.

“As for IE7, well, suffice it to say that if this were 2002, IE7 would be an adequate browser. However, the last time I looked at a calendar it was in fact 2007.”- AKAJohnDoe

Lol, what a burn on Microsoft!

“A wise person once said, ‘Slow and steady wins the race.’ And then I passed him.”- P. Baird

Joke's on him, eh?

“If pro is the opposite of con, than what is the opposite of progress?”- Mr. Boyd

Hmmmmmm =^)

“A fool and his money are soon partying.”- Anonymous

It's true!

“Do unto others before they do unto you.”- Anonymous

Sound advice...

“Frodo has been last seen on the run from elven rocket luancher”- Xyrom


You can breath now!

Here it is, the eagerly awaited weekly feature!

What I did after school. . .

Came home, got the Hubby and went to Mrs. Moffit's for the full treatment, (AFTER going for coffee)! Came home from there and started some pasta for dinner. Sat down and read the Observer, watched a bit of the BBC news, ate some dinner, read the 2 e-mail messages from my sister, sent the Hubby up for his post-dinner, pre-work nap and went up to Enterprise for the 4-H Livestock Leaders and Superintendents meeting. There we discussed fascinating subjects like Beef Wash Racks, Sheep Scrapie Tags, various Judge suggestions, (I am thrilled, the great judge I requested is coming again, he's wonderful and Fair will go so well! Again!) Continuing discussions of Fair Ground Maintenance, Sound System Issues, Shear Dates, Weigh In Dates, Wool Pool issues, how the county Judging team did at the U of I judging contest, (3rd, 4th, and 5th) and upcoming workshop and training events. A productive meeting in all!

Came home, flashed my lights at the Hubby as we passed each other on the road, feed dogs, let dogs out, let dogs in, turned Mystery on to watch the end of the Inspector Lindley Mysteries, found it was one I'd already seen so turned on some music instead, sat down and began this epic account.

There, I've done my part to further literacy among our students!

On a new note, you might all put Mr. Moffit on your prayer list, his knee is giving him fits again, it is very painful and the thing that can be done to help it, won't cure it.

PAN Day '07

Better late than never.

Yes, today is PAN Day, marking the 2nd anniversary of Providence Academy News. It's been a great two years. I'm sorry, but I don't have any promotions running ;-)

This is how Providence Academy News began as I remember it. On November 11, 2005, I was bored, I guess. It was lunchtime. So, I sat down and created a WordPerfect document. Providence Academy News. The first piece of news was pretty mundane, reporting Matthew, Dusty, and Isaiah getting in trouble.

Since then, the document expanded and some people actually did read it. The next year came WikiProv. But it was hardly used. And then: wikiprov.blogspot.com. Providence Academy News is back.

So, two years. What are your thoughts?

I uploaded a copy of the PDF to our Bravenet free website. It's a direct link, unlike the Box.net link. So, here is the PDF. Enjoy!

Hmmm, the links seem to be having problems. Blogger probably will fix the problem. Until then, here's the PDF:
wikiprov.bravehost.com/Providence Academy News.pdf

The time has come for joy and feasting...

Huzzah! The dell technician has been here and gone, leaving my laptop a better computer =^)

1. He arrives, bearing a new motherboard and new speakers.
2. He tears the laptop into pieces, pulling out the existing motherboard and speakers.
3. He installs the new motherboard and speakers.
4. He bids adieu and starts to pull out of the driveway.
5. I boot up the computer and note that the wireless is not connected.
6. I note that the wireless switch/wifi catcher is jammed in the 'catch networks' mode (neither on nor off).
7. I run frantically down the driveway to arrest his departure.
8. He comes back into the house and attempts to slide the wireless switch into place by opening the case slightly.
9. It doesn't work.
10. With a sigh, he dismembers the laptop once more, fixes the problem and reassembles it.
11. He leaves.

And now, I have yet to experience the stuttering problem ;-)
But the best part is: I had always been less than pleased with the performance of my headphone jacks- they crackled and whined, but I accepted it as normal laptop jack performance. However, after the motherboard was replaced, the sound through my headphones is glorious! Thus confirming my suspicion that all of the problems were stemming from a faulty sound card.
Let mirthful laughter abound!!
Joy to the world, peace and goodwill toward men and Dell!!
Let there be wine and feasting!!
Jesus has crushed the Dragon's head, and we are invited to his Wedding feast!!
He has led captivity captive, and will bring His bride, the Church, into a new kingdom, a kingdom undefiled and that shall not pass away!!

(Yes, I am very happy.)

Weekly Feature?

We can start a weekly feature, "What I did after school" on various days, that will save the comments from (hopefully) all being the same.

I went home, read e-mail listened to and deleted the annoying telemarketer's hang ups on the answering machine, washed a big old smelly black dog, cooked and ate dinner while watching the beginning of 'The Russians Are Coming' (Everyone to get from street!) went to orchestra, played a whole into my lip, came home, read a post that guilted me into posting something and soon I will have my book in hand, head on pillow, pre-sleep!

Exciting life!

Who's next?


I found some interesting effects with my webcam software...

PAN's Identity

I am happy to see that the Monday Note is now being called just that: the Monday Note ("Monday Not" today). We have our identity back. Yaaayy!

So, I hear that the school website is going to be redone. And I hear that the senior class this year is designing web pages instead of writing a senior thesis? Or is that just a rumor? Help me out here, please.

Oh... and I hear that in the next trimester there is going to be an elective of web design. I'm looking forward to that, mostly because I don't know a lot about designing web pages. However, I have a copy of KompoZer, so I have interface power!! [grin]

Next topic: please write. I beg you! I entreat you! We need writers, readers, commenters, and anything else! So, yeah, we'd appreciate it...

And we'd appreciate if everybody knew about this blog. So, I will try and prepare a short snippet and submit it to Julie, our wonderful secretary (opinions welcome ;-) for inclusion in next week's Monday Note.

Perhaps someday we'll get out of this rut. Maybe we'll even have a domain name on the school website someday? blog.providenceacademy.net? Or is that too long?

And, for now, to make our main page look cleaner, I'm going to create a post with the student and teacher blog links that we have and put that in the links instead of all the individual ones.

See you soon.

Clowns: Matthew's Paper

Here is a paper I wrote for Senior Thesis class, for your viewing pleasure.
This is a rough draft.


Mr. Buck

Senior Thesis

31 October 2007


What has a white face, a red nose, and a bad haircut? No, it’s not a scared drunkard with an incompetent barber. It’s a clown! Clowns twist balloons, act silly and generally amuse people. Most people like clowns, but some people actually fear or hate them (Evil Clowns). Clowns are often a part of circuses, shows, drama, and birthday parties. The history of clowning began in early Egypt, and clowns have played an important role in theater and show business ever since.
The history of clowning may have begun as early as 2500 BC, when a clown is supposed to have performed in Egypt. The earliest clowns probably existed as court jesters; they were found not only in the courts of Europe, but in those of China and even the Aztec Nation. Jesters were kept in the courts of kings to provide amusement; however, jesters could have a great influence on national policies. Sometimes, the jester was the only one who could get away with criticizing the king or disobeying him. Thus, some jesters, by virtue of having a degree of leniency in the king’s eyes, have saved lives and altered the course of history.
Clowns also found their way onto the stage. In ancient Greece and early Rome, clowns began to develop as foolish characters who were the brunt of the jokes and abuse
(A Brief History of Clowning). The clown character was further developed through the Commedia del Arte, a theatrical group that began in Italy, and spread throughout Europe. It was in the Commedia del Arte that the traditional Harlequin (joker) came into being (Johnson). There were many traveling shows and theatrical groups, but the first bona fide circus didn’t appear until 1768 (Raymond).
The circus was introduced in England by Philip Astley. In this circus, he also created the first circus clown act, called Billy Buttons, in which the unfortunate clown had great difficulty in riding a horse. This act has become traditional in all circuses (Raymond). Circuses became sort of the ultimate traveling show, effectively replacing the traveling entertainment troupes of the Medieval and Renaissance time periods. The first known female American clown was Amelia Butler, who performed with Nixon’s Great American Circus and Kemp’s Mammoth English Circus in 1858 (Raymond). As clowns became more integrated into shows and acts, certain definite character types developed.
The three main types of clowns are the Whiteface, Auguste, and Tramp characters. The Whiteface clown is the most refined of the three types. They have all visible skin covered with white makeup, and are generally much more coordinated and stylish in appearance that the Auguste or Tramp clowns. The Auguste clown is the most ludicrous and comical of clowns; Auguste clowns are clumsy, foolish and bumbling. They wear silly, outrageous clothes, and are often the brunt of the joke. The Tramp clown is the down-and-out bum. Usually downtrodden and silent, he gets kicked around, and nothing ever goes right for him; he just accepts it as his lot in life (Montgomery).
Emmett Kelly Sr. was a famous example of a Tramp clown. He was born in Kansas, and began performing in the circus as a trapeze artist, and occasionally as a Whiteface clown. He tried to introduce a Tramp clown character called Weary Willy, but the circus management discouraged the idea because they thought the Tramp character too scruffy and dirty. During the Great Depression, however, the Tramp character held much more appeal for the common people, and Weary Willy became famous worldwide (Raymond).
Otto Greibling was another famous clown. Born in Germany, he started performing with the circus in America as a bareback rider. He was also a Tramp clown; however, he did only silent performances. Ironically, when he had to have his larynx removed at age 70, he performed the remaining two years of his life silently, on and off of the stage
(1989 inductees Clown Hall of Fame). Some other famous clowns include Lou Jacobs, famous for his silly antics, John Wayne Gacy, famous as an artist and serial killer, and Red Skelton, famous as Freddy the Freeloader, a Tramp clown (Famous clowns).
There is another group of clowns that receive less recognition, but perhaps deserve more. Rodeo clowns are the comic relief in rodeos, where there is a lot of intense action and violence; the clowns play an important part. In fact, a bad rodeo clown can overshadow a lot of good riding; the clown makes or breaks the rodeo. Traditionally, rodeo clowns have had the purpose of distracting the bull in the event that a rider should become endangered; the clown would buy time for the downed rider to reach safety. Now, for the most part, professional bullfighters, sort of like matadors, have taken on that job, leaving the clowns for entertainment value. Rodeo clowns often resemble Auguste clowns in make-up style; in clothing they usually wear exaggerated cowboy clothes, and sometimes a barrel (Rodeo clowns).
Clearly, from the early Egyptians, throughout the rise and fall of dynasties and kingdoms, from age to age, clowns have played an invaluable role in society. Jesters have altered the fate of individuals and nations. Clowns, acting the buffoon, have provided the comic relief in plays since plays began. Bards, minstrels and traveling performers have provided much-needed entertainment in remote communities. In a world that God has conquered, “The righteous shall are bold as a lion,” and we, like God, can laugh at all our foes, which include anxiety and dullness (Proverbs 28:1). The power to amuse is a gift of God, which clowns have put to good use.

Information is Coming

Sometime soon here I'm going to make a post here giving detailed contact information for everyone in the school. Of course, It's not going to be complete at first. But just comment and we'll add the information.

School's pretty cool, so let's just keep groovin'.


California Fires

Check out this link for just a few pictures. It's suspected that arsonists started the fire(s).


As you may know, we were assigned to create posters in Art Class, advertising something that interests us. Here is what I came up with:

BTW, I took this picture with my integrated webcam!
It's kind of hard to get the lighting right =^)

Well, I hope you all can do better than this, and I'm looking forward to seeing all the posters on Tuesday.

Signing off, Matthew

Rain- otherwise known as stupid wet substance

Aaah... autumn. the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the temperature is steadily dropping and the clouds are moving in to pound us with the old wet stuff once again. How many of you don't like rain (at least at certain times of the year and day)? Another thing to consider: the temperature is dropping. it was amazing this week; there was frost on the windows for the first time since school started (as far as I know). Oh, and in other news: Seventies day was very amusing, with Blake Roddey taking home the prize of prune juice for most accurate 70's clothing. He was wearing a complete polyester leisure suit, which was reported to be thirty years old by an anonymous informer. The second prize of three year's supply of dog/cat food went to Joel Tollefson, and various students reported sighting a small hippy with long, blond hair in the hallway at various times over the course of the day. due to bad lighting and possibly hallucination, these sightings have not been completely confirmed.
-Elliot Robertson, reporting for P.A.N. news.

EPM Minutes September 25, 2007

Providence Academy News
September 25, 2007
Evening Parent Meeting Minutes

I. Introduction by Mr. Buck
A. Announcement that by sometime next summer the school may actually own (have paid off) the school building and the gym building and perhaps the land next to the school recently purchased
B. Confession of bloody dated textbook used by Mr. Buck in Government, supposedly 5th grade level
1. At first he though that a student put in the blood, but upon further examination he discovered that the same blood was in all of the copies
II. Prayers by Pastor Terrance Tollefson and Mr. Matthew Barley
III. Dinner
IV. Mr. Randy Roddey closed in prayer after Dinner.

Installing Vista

This guy has succeeded in installing Windows Vista in less than two minutes!
Sound amazing?
Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVbf9tOGwno

That's pretty good stuff right there. =^)

Lesson 4 Principles of Composition

Principles of Composition
3rd Class

Homework Turn In
Sketching Exercise
Slide Show

Modernity and Science says:
The human body a random co-location of atoms that has no more meaning
that a TV, because it too is a chance collocation of atoms.

1. Proportion
: The pleasing relationship of all the parts of an object with one another.
Related to one another and whole in an interesting manor.
Avoid Monotony

Ex.1 Simple Rectangles

A. Square, uninteresting, monotonous, same length on all sides
therefore poor proportions
B. Length of sides different, related enough to hold interest and
attention. Good proportions, Golden Mean
C. Length too great for width, no relation between two, lacks
interest, bad proportion
D. Width exactly twice the height, does not hold attention, poor proportions

What Trinitarian similarity do you see in these shapes or the language
I used to describe them?

Ex. 2 Law of Greek Proportion Rectangles

Rectangles: 3-5, 4-7, 5-8, 9-10, 7-12, 8-13, etc
This exemplifies the mathematical relationship of proportions
A rectangle 8ft high, the proportional division mark should be at 5ft

Examples of Good Proportion:

1. The Human figure, is eight heads high
2. The Parthenon at Athens,
a. Considered by many to be the most beautiful building in the world,
build with acute attention to proportions
3. Dress and Suit Design:
a. The most interesting and therefore the most attractive is one where
the division is just above exact center

The Principle of proportion holds that an unequal divisions of space is best

2. Balance or Symmetry
The equal distribution of weight on each side of a central point, or
axis producing a sense of stability or rest

Ex 3 See-saw drawing

The law of physics states that the weights and arms on each side of a
central point must be proportionate in order to be balanced

And so it is in art

Formal Balance: Equal weights on each side
Informal B.: unequal, but arranged to satisfy the eyes, (free or occult)

1. The human body
2. Study Dresses
3. Compare houses
4. Look for formal and informal Symmetry in art, graphics and media

: The principle, which requires the regular, smooth and easy flow of
line in design,
Good rhythm should lead the eye easily from on e part to another
Rhythm in art is natural, and smooth as a baby sleeping,
Five methods of creating rhythm in design;
Repetition, radiation, opposition, transition, and gradation

A. Repetition (rhythm)
Regular recurrence of the same or similar units throughout the design
This could be a variety of things

Examples of Rhythm via repletion,
1. Patterns on rugs, clothing, wallpaper
2. Borders, pottery, books, architectural, laces
3. The regular count or measure of music
4. Small areas of bright color in a room or on a garment

Almost endless examples

B. Radiation (rhythm)
: Lines flowing from a common center may be point or line

Light: most common, every direction in straight lines

Principles of radiation are closely related to Dominant Interest.
A Focal point is considered a dominant interest
The face of a body is a center of interest
"Rays" it is certainly lead from the human face..ha, ha. Pow bang. Ha. Ha!

C. Opposition (rhythm)
: Severe harsh rhythm, produced by two lines at 90-degree angles
Cold, abrupt and very common form

1. Belt at right angle to torso
2. Landscape where trees meet horizon
3. Harmony where mountains and a peak meet the skyline

D. Transition (rhythm)
Gradual merging of two lines into one,
Carries eye in swinging motion across the design

1. Leg to tabletop,
2. Skate Park, ramp,
3. Music, break down, often this is a good time to clap politely or
yell something at the top of your lungs,
"Were all going to die!"
5. Bodies, swinging lines like that of a grey hound dog, panther,
rolling prairie

E .gradation (rhythm)
Gradual increase or decrease in size of units in a design.

1. Trucks and old cars
2. Dresses, tucks in fabric, made smaller or larger
3. Pine tree
4. Sky scraper
5. Music, usually a build up before a transition,
6. Literature

Quite important to composition of all sorts

F.Dominate Interest
: Requires every design to have one principal unit.
Center of interest
Which all other will be subordinate.
A presupposition if you will,
Ex. Anyone who loves anther is consciously or subconsciously
refereeing to a Christian presupposition

Subordinate units:
-Clues that lead to the dominant interest,
-They have an important part to play, by serving the dominant interest
to stand out more clearly
-Often time the subordinates are missed because they are so carefully
placed, you don't notice them until you reexamine a story, painting,
piece of music

In good Trinitarian fashion they should not be heavy handed.
Bad clues tell the whole story
"Im a clue that will tell help you solve the riddle"

God is not so obvious, he is much more mysterious.

Using this principle the artist may conceal unattractive elements,
and draw more attention to those that are flattering or important.

1. A common room may be made spectacular, by a one beautiful piece of
furniture, table, chair or painting. Other furnishings can be used to
draw the attention to the one.
2. You can subtle try this with your own room, clothes that you wear,
things you create

In true art the lines leading to the center of interest from the
subordinate parts, so necessary to completion of the picture, story or
song are more often felt, than seen.

The result of good composition is unity, harmony and beauty.

The ___________ is beautiful because the artist had knowledge of when
and how to combine a pleasing and orderly fashion.

Indeed we can see that God's great plan for the universe showed
everywhere these principles.

Mankind (notice how much of principle of composition refer back to
proportions of the human body)

God has gifted each of us with the ability to compose things artistically!
Each of us will have this artistic skill in different areas.
You may begin to notice your gifts when others start to imitate
something you are good at. Dressing, sports, money, designs, home
decoration, research, food, fashion, speaking the list goes on.

1st. Design a dress or suit using all the laws of composition, though
one should be highlighted
2. Write a description of a house you like, both inside and out.
Explain in detail why it is good and fits the principles of

Matt Barley
P.O. Box 422
Wallowa OR, 97885

mobile: (541) 263-1216
Work: (541) 886-2951

The Power of GIMP (and some extras)

Short post here. I just want to post this cool picture I modified with the G.eneral I.mage M.anipulation P.rogram; I used a neon edge-finder effect. The shot was a sort-of silhouette of the mountains inspired by Instructor (the Illustrious) Barley's dissertation on the aesthetic value of silhouettes. Well, for what it's worth, here it is:

Btw, it was broad daylight when this shot was taken. Weird contrast, huh?

While I'm at it, I'll throw in a couple of those long-overdue vacation photos:

code gripes

One thing that's really getting under my skin this year is the dress code.

First let's take the parent/student/whatever handbook. Oh, and while we're there: I say that all students and staff should have access to all documents of school policy at all times. Comments?

Anyway, the handbook itself is a bit ambiguous in parts regarding the dress code. "No distracting or outlandish appearances." That could perhaps translate to: "I don't like those big pink earrings. Take 'em off." That's just a hypothetical example, of course.

So that's what's written. Another annoying bit is what's not written. In recent years, Mr. Buck has cracked down on any jacket, sweater, or basically any other clothing that has a logo other than one that reflects Providence Academy. Well, that's what they say. Unfortunately, the staff has taken to calling any image a logo. Even when it 's not one.

I call upon Providence Academy to revise the handbook in order to make it clear what the official standard is and stick to it!!

By doing this, Providence Academy will establish a universal standard for the school, overruling all teacher preferences except for exclusions noted in the handbook.

Recently Mr. Tollefson was heard in Apologetics class talking about clothing. He said that they should pay us for wearing advertisements for them, instead of us buying clothing (e.g., Levi jeans, Vans shoes). If this is true, Providence Academy should pay us to wear their sweaters advertising the school. We should not pay for the sweaters. They should pay us.

we're still here

OK, school seems to be going well, and fairly smooth I guess, with a very interesting Art class taught by Instructor Matthew Funk Barley.

I'm probably going to write a longer article this weekend, so check back later.

Oh, yeah, and publicity. I would (as would the whole PAN staff) greatly appreciate active writers cover news at our school and county news of sorts. Sorry, we don't pay, but we could try to get you a grand sounding position! Most Revered Editor?

I want to try to get a note in the "Monday Note" next week talking about Providence Academy News. We're the real Providence Academy News. They might have had the name first, but really, what do you think?

Microsoft Windows V***a

I would sure hate to offend anyone by making mention of Microsoft's newest and biggest, but I have an opinion, and that's what blogs are for, right? Ok, here it is: I believe the outrageous amounts of memory, hard disk space and video/graphics capabilities demanded by this power-hungry, MS-derived beast is due to two basic things. These things are: LAZY programming, and extreme functionability; that's right, 'extreme functionability.' Look at Linux's options: Ubuntu, Puppy Linux, etc. Look at Windows 98. These slim OSes took up (maybe) a couple GBs of HD space. Vista wants 15 GB to stretch it's legs (although I don't think all of those are actually taken up by it). That's ridiculous. Or is it? The second reason I think contributes to the high requirements of this OS is extreme functionability; maybe that's not the right word. What I mean is, Vista is overachieving. This latest from MS has SO many capabilities as far as networking, security, connectivity, productivity, and activity in general, it is semi-understandable why you have to run it on a mega-machine. For example, check out the free MS program, Virtual PC 2007. It essentially emulates, that's right, it emulates an entire OS!
[pause until the shouts of derision die out]
[2 hours later]
As I was saying, Virtual PC allows you to create a virtual PC, complete with OS. Win 98, 2000, Server 2003, OS/2, etc. This virtual machine will run programs not compatible with Vista!!!!!!
Is that impossible or WHAT? That's just weird. Not only that, but files and folders are drag/drop compatible between Vista and any Windows OS. Also, the virtual PCs have virtual disks. Go figure. If that's not overachieving, I don't know what is. This is NOT to let Vista of the proverbial hook. They're still in the hot seat-LAZY programming is still lurking in the sewers, and that goes for Mac, too...

Here's a link in case you're interested: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/demo/vpcdemo.html?wt_svl=20322a&mg_id=20322b

As an afternote, Dell is doing an all-right job of making Vista-capable computers (semi) affordable.

And, for what it's worth,

"A man ate a pillow in his sleep one night. When he woke up the next morning, he was a little down in the mouth!"- Anonymous

"That's all for now folks!"- Porky Pig

The First Day of School

NOTICE: due to Executive Order Number 5223, school has been canceled nation wide this year.

Well, it was a good start today here at Providence Academy. Some things are familiar, but many things are different. Notably, the high school students seemed to have a lack of storage space.

There are still a fair amount of things to be ironed out, but we have taken the first step!

Here are some photos captured today.

In the hall before chapel

esteemed alumnus Cody Moffit stopped by before chapel

Mr. Buck in the very first chapel of this year!

a slice of the classroom

Mrs. Roddey explains things to her class

Oh, and a real notice: Blogger states that they are having a "Scheduled outage at 11PM PDT." Follow this link for more info.


The Last Week of Vacation: Day Seven

This is your last day of vacation.

It doesn't matter if you're ready or not. School is tomorrow.

Well, OK, maybe it matters if you're ready.

Anyway, what do I have to say today? Everything is ready. Well, almost everything.

So, pray especially for Mr. Buck, I'd say.

And, um, school starts tomorrow.

The Last Week of Vacation: Day Six

Hey, thanks for your comments, everybody. I like it!

I already pulled some stuff from my huge backpack I got at Ant Flat (very good condition except one side pocket has a ripped out bottom). I put a bunch of stuff in there on the last day of school. It's just been sitting in my room and I haven't some much since. I took everything out of it today, I think (you know, I think I took out a few things... 'cause there was some school stuff on my floor, I think).

Made a pile of sorts of the stuff I would need this year out of that stuff. I looked at a school journal from last year. That was in Mrs. Bomby's Advanced Composition class. Which reminds me, I'll be taking Literature this year. And so will Elliot, and, well, a lot of other people (a lot in ratio to total student count, more like).

Things seem destined to be different this year. in a very good way, I hope. Some of us remember when we had, what, around 40 students? Maybe God will bless us in a very amazing way (you know, like more amazing than usual, if you catch my drift, and he alrady has blessed us by helping us through harder times). Maybe 40 students will seem like a handful in a few year. Maybe...

Anyway, here's what you have all been waiting for. The question!

And that is: are you ready for school?!?

[repeats in loader more ominous, almost game show type voice; "Arrrre you reeeeady?!!"]

And my answer is yes. No.

I'm ready to get back into it in a way, somewhat, but I feel like "ooops! School's in two days! Where's my pencils?"

In other words, it seems sudden, if you follow me.

So, don't worry. When I come to school Monday, I'll have a pencil. If not two. Or more.

Including today, you have two days of vacation left. Have fun!

The Last Week of Vacation: Day Five

These things do creep up on us.

How did this happen?

Here's your question for today: What will you do tomorrow? I ask this because I think I know where you will be on your last day of vacation. Sorry if it seems like a lame question, but I'm not thinking too much about it.

As for me, I don't know what I'll do tomorrow worth mentioning. Sigh.

See you later [yawn].

The Last Week of Vacation: Day Four

Hello again.

Yes, I'm still here. I haven't quit yet.

Well, it's sort of hitting me, but slowly. School starts Monday? You must be kidding... right?

Yeah, well, you know what they say: the truth hurts. More correctly, the truth hurts sometimes.

In case you were wondering, that's not the question of the day. Actually I don't think I put a lot into it today, so I decided on something cliché. So hear this: what is you're favorite subject in school (this year, any year)? Or do you have more than one.

You think I'm going to tell you my favorite subject?

OK, you we're right.

Actually, I can't say I really have a favorite subject. It would probably be a matter of which subjects I enjoy the most. It's a kind of indifference for me, I suppose.

Therefore: algebra, advanced composition. That's what comes to mind. And then there's Mrs. Bomberger's Evil Revenge. I gripe about Latin, but now I'm stuck with it. ;)

Alright, I admit I am glad I learned Latin. The question is, how long can I remember the mechanics?

Notice: you have four days of vacation left, including today.

The Last Week of Vacation: Day Three

Hello, chaps and ladies.

I'm multi-taking here, folks. Chatting and blogging. I mean, that's talent, right?

So, the important question of the day: how much time on average do you students spend on homework each night? Or should I put it this way: How late do you stay up doing homework.

In fact, while you're at it, you might as well tell me all about your homework, life history, social security number, etcetera.


Homework. I usually am not up late doing it, so far, but sometimes it drags on. Like start at 5:15 or something, and work until dinner, then after dinner until 9:00 PM. Okay, maybe not the long, but I don't use a stopwatch, so I'm not sure.

I await you're comments!

The Last Week of Vacation: Day Two

What ho, everybody!

Have you ever thought how hard this is?? I mean, I have to come up with original material 7 days in a row? Do you think I'm creative or something?!?

But here's my question to you for today: what grade do you try to get at least on your assignments (do you care?)?

I think even at our school that C's are still passing. B's are average, I think. A's are excellent. And perfect A+ 100% is just... perfect.

As for me, I try to get A's. B's are okay, but I like A's better.

So what's your preferred grade?

You have six days left, including today.

P.S. sunny_12, just email us at panstaff@gmail.com and we can send you an invite to the blog if you want. If you're a member your comments will show up immediately and you will be able to post if you want. Cheers.
[added at 4:59 PM]

The Last Week of Vacation: Day One

Welcome all and sundry. I appreciate your attention. Really. I do.

As I told you before, this is the first post is a series of seven for the last week of school. Feel free to write other posts at the same time , though. Go ahead.

Well, we've been doing some painting today over at the Robertsons. Just thought I'd throw that in.

Well, I talked to Mr. Buck last week, I think, and contrary to a rumor floating around, he said there was just mopping, sweeping, and the like to do. And I though there was always a thousand and one things to do at the school?

So, how's everyone feeling about starting school so soon? Excited? Happy? Dreading it? Calm? Panicking?

I'm feeling like it's just another season. Things will come and go.

Feel free to comment, everybody.

For those curious, I invited myself to the blog (or rather my personal Google account), made that user an admin for this blog from the staff account, and that's why you will see my name as a Blogger user when I post now.

And, have you ever tried out Google Talk? Just hit this link. Once you're signed in via Google, you can message other Google users if they are signed in... way cool, huh? Or if you have Gmail, there is a built in Google Talk feature in it. Check this page for answers about chatting from Gmail.

See you tomorrow, people!

Take This Down

Just some notes for everybody.

Most importantly, there is going to be a seven part series of posts for the last seven days of vacation. I advise you to enjoy these few days, Providence students. Some, if not all of the public schools here are already in session.

During these posts (and of course at any other time, wink wink), I encourage you all to post and comment. What's school to you?? Surely there is something to write articles about?

Thank you for your patience.

Oh, and of course, it's a good thing one doesn't get assigned much to do on the first day of school. Because I, and I hope many others, will be furiously tapping away at a blog post on our very dear Providence Academy News!

And remember, If you want to be invited to the blog, just send a message to panstaff@gmail.com. No sweat. Easy.

Anything I missed?


Hello Y'all from Down South

~What ho all!~

This is Matthew posting from Winder GA, to let you know that we (the Hurleys) are coming back from vacation tomorrow starting at 3:00 a.m. (Georgia time, which translates into 12:00 midnight Oregon time) and will be arriving back in Oregon at approximately sometime in the afternoon (Oregon time).

During the two weeks we have been over here, we have roamed through GA, SC, and NC, with a couple of notable highlights (The World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, GA and the Blue Ridge Parkway, a senic parkway inhabiting the Smoky, Blue Ridge, Appalachian, and Black Mountains, as well as several other groups of mountains, I imagine. The parkway stretches from Cherokee, NC (right near the TN border, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park), to the Waynesboro, VA area where it becomes the Skyline Drive, which stretches through the Shenandoah National Park.

By the way, the Shenandoah Valley was a major name in the Civil War (also known as the War of the Northern Aggression). The Parkway also passes close by Lynchburg, PA, now the hometown of the Boyds; Mr. Boyd has been a major part of Providence for some years. I believe you will find more on the Boyds in earlier posts.

Anyway, the drive along the Parkway (we stayed in the NC part of the parkway) was very beautiful and refreshing (a breezy atmosphere in the 70s compared to the 100 degree, 50 percent humidity we faced down on the low ground). Pictures will be forthcoming.

We hope to see y'all soon. I reckon school will begin soon enough, and then I'll probably wish I'd never seen you. S'long, and y'all come back now, y'hear?

Pip-pip, Matthew

Salvation Doctrines: Nathaniel's View

Hi, peoples, I decided to finish this post finally. It's been in draft like the whole summer (and I haven't worked on it).

[after this is basically original work]

There was a big discussion at Providence on Thursday (that would be the Thursday before the last Thursday of 2006-2007 school year) regarding some doctrine and stuff. The main topic was once you're saved, is it possible to fall away? Also related ideas and things like that.

The two big people in the discussion, I believe, are Blake Roddey and Mr. Buck. I have invited them both to the blog (Well, I don't know how many people use the Buck email...), so they can elaborate if they wish.

OK, here goes; my idea on it, my take of it.

Mr. Buck drew two trees on a white board as an illustration. They started out both the same. After some time, one of the trees bore fruit, but the other one stayed the same.

[now I start writing later]

What was I going to talk about?

Oh well, I'll just summarize my beliefs. I believe once you are truly saved, you can never become unsaved. The only way to become unsaved is to not really have ever been saved. And to be saved, you must repent to God, and ask God for His forgiveness. And if you really do that, their is no way to undo it.

Really, this is a sticky subject, but we shouldn't divide over it, I hope.

My mind goes to the parable of the seeds. I suppose it comes down to finding what is real. As to that, I'm not a theologian, so don't ask me.

So, I'll leave you to mull over that (and I hope at least one person reads this and remembers the discussion ;-). I'm looking forward to your comments.


p.s. if your wondering what the picture is for, check this link.

original post time was 5/25/07 8:44 PM

Intelligence Update

Just a small update.

Sorry, I was on vacation, so if it seemed like part of the staff was gone, they were. Actually, three-quarters of the staff were gone. That would be because the Hurleys are in Georgia (or are supposed to be).

And now, the important part of the update. Here is a draft of the Providence Academy 2007-2008 calender. The photo was provided by Providence Academy Intelligence. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

Hey, and people, tell me what you're thinking about school. We want to know! ;-)

By the way, thank you sunny_12 for the comment. It makes us feel like somebody actually reads this hunk of.... um reads this blog, that is.


Is anybody listening?

Alright everybody, for your information, I've updated the poll. The last question was "Do you think we will have all the teachers at Providence found by August 1st?" The results for the last poll were 4 Yes and 4 No. The new poll is "What are your feelings about attending on Fridays (although not a full day)?"

And here's a juicy tidbit for you Ultimate Frisbee buffs meeting in Enterprise. Last Wednesday, Hector Del Castillo showed up at Ultimate, armed with a camera and notepad. The word is he's going to (or by this time may have already) write an article on us. We'll try to link to it here if it shows up on the Chieftain website.

Well, some time here, school will roll around, and you can bet we'll be covering it.

Well, ripping good weather we've been having, what? Too bad for those Easterners!


Update and more prayers. . .

An update on Austine Burns, he will have surgery on his face Monday (tomorrow) at 3 PM. His spirits are good. Keep praying for recovery and for his surgeons.

Some of you may know Casey Marino, he's a 13 year old boy who has played trumpet in the Wallowa Valley Orchestra. He had an accident over the weekend while changing sprinkler pipes, some of his fingers were severed. He was life flighted to Spokane, they were not able to save most of his fingers, I think he has his thumb and ring finger, right hand of course. He is already asking if they make a left handed trumpet.

He and Austin are sharing a room, I can't think of 2 better roommates, they will do a lot to cheer each other.

Casey may be out of the August fair as well, we will miss him there.

Pray for his recovery as well and for his family, I don't know where their hearts are, they are a very nice family. I know God will use this instance for His glory in their lives, and I pray they will draw closer to Him.

Thank You, Lord!

Indeed we should thank God for what's going on.

This is good news (see jennyanydots' comments here) regarding Austin. Praise the Lord!

And back to the Zuercher-Myers wedding, things are rolling along, with a rehearsal scheduled for tonight, so let's pray for a smooth event tomorrow!

Thank you for your prayers and support, people!


Burns Accident

Please pray for the Burns family from Wallowa.

Austin Burns was in a ATV accident today. Within the last hour, a ambulance and then a helicopter could be heard in Lostine.

We will post more details when we get them. In the meanwhile, please pray for the Burns family.

Also, please pray for Amber Zuerchur. She was hospitalized yesterday. Reportedly this was for severe stomach pains. Please pray for the Zuerchers as Amber's wedding is on Saturday.

For those seeking a report on the Trinity Bible Church and Grace Bible Church annual Bike Trip this year, please see this post on Elliot's blog.


Sunday in La Grande

We went to La Grande Sunday after Church, needed groceries in the worst way and we had a lovely surprise visit in the Wal Mart parking lot with a student in his socks!

Hot pavement, tough feet!

Have fun Robertson men, be safe and enjoy your trip!


Global warming is real.

Don't worry about it.

Trust God.

This message brought to you by Nathaniel.

By the way, as a sidenote, there is now a zipped pdf copy of the original PAN file in the PAN Files. Cheers!

Rolling along...

Yeah, things seem good. Elliot and I were working for Mr. Nobles today, cleaning out some barns and whatnot.

Hey everybody, I've been doing some more changing around. Tell me (comment, email, whatever) if you can think of a better order for the items on the right. Seems a bit cluttered. I got rid of the PAN Box widget at the bottom of the page and put a link to the box in Providence Links. I've also secured a openomy account, but for easy accesibility, box.net seems to work better right now.

I added a message box so people can easily drop us a line (via email). Or just use your own account and send a message to panstaff@gmail.com.

In other news, I've been hearing about some new students for the school, but hardly a lot. So, perhaps I will talk to Mr. Buck, and see what exactly the news is.

And, here you go. In order to save time, I'll just link, but here is a picture I took at Wallowa Lake on July 4th, 2007. I sized it down to 1024 x 768, so just message me if you want bigger.

And, shortly after I add a poll, Blogger goes and introduces their own! Oh well, I'm actually kind of glad, because it caused me to find bravenet.com (amateur webmasters rejoice!).

So, where are you working at this summer, students (and teachers?)?


P.S. this is an update at 1:50 PM. I've been messing with templates, but I put it back to TicTac Green. But if anybody has any suggestions for a template, just contact us!

The Price of Tea in China


See here for other interesting Google search tools.


New Stuff

Hey, I added some new features!

Namely: that ticker we've been waiting for, Lostine weather, a poll, and the PAN Box.

Tell me what you think by commenting on this post. You could vote on the poll, too... ;-)

Good times.


Some Bits of Info

OK, here's a bit more info on our vacation:

We left Wednesday morning and headed to Three Rivers Resort. It's a pretty nice place. They have water and electric hookups, pool, hotubs, playground, store, and more.

We left Friday morning and went to Dworshack, staying there until Sunday, the day we traveled back. We stopped in Spalding (more on that later, heh heh).

So that's it in a nutshell.

By the way, everybody, we have a new feature: the Providence Box (hosted from box.net). You can now download the old PAN archive (PAN Archive.zip).

See you later!


Robertson's Vacation - We're Back!

Hey everybody! We're back!

We had a great vacation at Three Rivers Resort (Lowell, Idaho) and Dworshack State Park in Idaho.

And by the way, here's a photo from the recent Hostetter-Rice wedding. Well, actually, this is at the reception, but still...


The next photo is at Dworshack State Park. This is a special effects photo of my father, mother, and brother.

Hey, that's cool, huh?

I shall endeavor to fill you in more tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in!


Risky for the Frisbee

I'd like to thank blogger jennanydots for being our main supporter. In fact, she seems to be our only posting blogger besides the staff.

Not to say that lurking is bad...

Well, most of us Christ Covenant Church folks had a grand old time yesterday down at Driver's Cabin, past Imnaha. Despite the weather, we pressed on and had our message inside (delivered by Mr. Curt Bakker). Later on, it stopped raining enough for some of the younger element to have a risky game of ultimate frisbee (risky for the frisbee, that is. Imnaha River seems to like them...). Isaiah Buck made a excellent recovery when the frisbee managed to get sucked into the river, though.

Perhaps I will post some pictures from the day of rest later.

Have a good day, everybody.


Case Dismissed

This is a great praise. Two days ago, the case against Mrs. Buck was dropped! Dismissed.

Praise the Lord!!

OK, I am at the Bakker's house. If anyone is wondering, I don't think they have 1.5 Mb DSL. I think it's probably 768 K internet. Or maybe less. I'm not sure...

Compliments to Mrs. Bakker on the Chef Salad. Excellent!

And, to keep up on Firefox 3 (getting closer, IE!), visit this page.


La Grande Visit

Live coverage here. Sitting in Dr. Pettit's waiting room in La Grande. Connection speed is: 495.44 Kbps.


Nice pictures there, Matthew. You are brave (hehe).

We're going to head down t the Bakker's for lunch. Let the good times role!


Matthew's Murderous Attack

Well, my computer's RAM started acting up again: locked up a few times and gave me some random error messages, a really nice variety. This was all very fine and well, but it meant I couldn't access this c00l site! So, in a spirit of desperation (I figured things couldn't get much worse) I ripped my laptop completely apart and reassembled it after tightening vital connections...it worked! Way c00l =^)

Btw, I've been hearing bits and pieces about next year's teachers!

Check out the pictures:

Vee Dubs and Firebusting

Ok, I'm obsessed with VWs. Check out this and this. Yeah, I'd like to get a Karman Ghia...
Here is a really sweet picture of a Karman =^)
Summer is gettin' started, and work is too. Isaiah and I are working out on Mr. Hostetter's ranch, and he called me at about 7:00 this morning to ask where the four-wheeler is... it looks as if he'll be stuck without transportation for about an hour! LOL
Last Saturday was "School Days" in Flora, which celebrates the Flora School. Matt Barley and I were doing a fire-busting class: starting a fire with a sage spindle, a cottonwood fireboard, and a willow bow to rotate the spindle.

Wireless Posting

Yeah! I'm back on Wi-Fi!

Actually, I'm at the Enterprise library using the linksys network. Wireless is cool. This is 256 K internet. I clocked 74.64 Kbps at this page.

Alright, I hope everybody is doing well. Ashley has joined the blog, and I see Mrs. Bomberger left a comment.

See you later!


Drifting Into Summer

Well, this should be a relatively quick post.

All right, here are the first two verses of a soft rock song I am writing lyrics for.

A Bitter Day

It’s a bitter day
when we all have to say

this is why I stay
I really want to say
I love you all

I think this really could be a cool song when it's done. The tune I have been using kind of sounds like a Steven Curtis Chapman song.

Well, I am kind of hoping more people join up (hint, hint! ;).

As could be expected, I haven't done much today. But hey, it's only the first day! (I'm a poet and...)

Well, the Roddeys are off to South Carolina, I believe. I'm not sure if they have arrived yet.

I tried putting a ticker on the page today, but it did not work. Oh, well, there's always next time, eh?

Have a great summer, all of you Providence people! We should be here all summer, droning on to keep you entertained.

As for those massive amounts of homework mentioned earlier... just keep your eyes open! :P


It's here!

Well, folks, it's the first day of (drumroll please) Suuuummer brreak! it's a scorching hot day in Lostine, being around 85 degrees. Yesterday sure was a day of wild celebration and fun, but that's just the beginning! There are vegetables to plant, dirt to dig, projects to finish, manure to shovel, pipe to move and change, lawns to be mowed, all kinds of things!

Quote for today: "Help! I'm trapped in school!" -Elliot drawing idly on the white board at school.

The Last Day of School

Alright. We're here. The last day of school. We are done.

Almost seems unreal. It is surreal.

Alright, I will load on my journaling for the last day of school.

Live journal:

documenting the last day of school. Listening to Dragostea Din Tei.
7:43 AM

Mr. buck walks in
7:45 AM

we all move into the middle of the chapel in the first few rows
7:46 AM

we are finishing cleaning up from bottle rockets
9:00 AM

Blake is getting Dusty
9:04 AM

“Are you ready for the test?”
-Mrs. Vernam
9:07 AM

We’re finding out what people are doing over the summer.
9:09 AM

We are released... free time in science....
9:14 AM

Science is over! Done!!!
9:50 AM

Ashley Parker, Anna Hurley, Shannon Buck, Kasey Lathrop, Isaiah Buck, Blake Roddey, Dusty McAuliffe, and Luke Pringle are present.
9:57 AM

now Joy!
9:57 AM

Luke’s house. The basement. Luke is playing Dance Dance Revolution on an Xbox 360. Go go Luke.
2:10 PM

So, school is over. Like done. Get used to it. Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s rock! OK, this really been a great year. I am actually sad. Yes, me! I’m going to miss you all so much. We have a whole summer before us. Let us serve the Lord and glorify his name!
2:19 PM

Alright, I rebooted by laptop so the Synaptics scroll on the pad would work. It crashed a while ago, I think. Weird. Not sure how long ago...
2:23 PM

Listening to Casting Crowns...
2:25 PM

Glorious sunray
starts the day
we shall show
they shall know
stop the fight!
Turn to Christ
2:27 PM

“If we are the body...”
“There is a way...”
-Casting Crowns
2:29 PM

Luke is ripping music to the xbox 360.
2:33 PM

Elliot is putting Oblivion in the box.
2:38 PM

Let’s go Elder Scrolls!
2:40 PM

I am at home.
4:47 PM

That's all of it.

And now, the pictures!

Luke and I have a camera battle

Science class getting ready to launch rockets

Dusty McAuliffe

Ashley Parker and Anna Hurley

And now for the evidence!! Now Mr. Buck finds out... frisbee in the chapel!

"And you can put the pineapples there..."

And now here are some shots of the festivities. By the way, If anyone wants better quality (or rather bigger) versions of these pictures, just email us at panstaff@gmail.com.

In other news, we may yet have a ticker. Actually, I think it would be cooler to have one on the official Providence Academy website taking feeds from this blog. I found a javascript code for something like that here.

Good job everyone!

And also, I have heard that we have just about hashed out all the teachers for next year (who they will be, that is). Yeah!

Alright, I hope some other people leave their thoughts here.

Have a good day. Happy summer!
