Voice of Democracy and Calendar

Today our Rhetoric class piled into the Buck van and headed off to Enterprise, specifically to KWVR. We recorded our Voice of Democracy speeches at the station. It was pretty smooth. Isaiah and Dusty didn't hit the required three minutes (+ or - 5 seconds), though. And…. they gave us cookies, except Isaiah, because he was recording his speech. I guess that's what he gets for going first. Heh.

The other news is: now we have a real online calendar. You know that Calendar of Events link on the Providence webpage? Now it's actually useful. It's got a Google Calendar embedded in it, and teachers will be posting at least some stuff on it, in addition to the events Mr. Buck already put on there. I think I might link to it on the top of the blog. And you can access it through the Calendar of Events link in this post.

policy is online…

…but do you know where?

It's in a protected directory on the Providence website called protected. So… http://providenceacademy.net/protected/
Note that you will have to enter a username and password to access the folder. Call Mr. Buck or me if you don't know them.

And… the direct links to the policy:

web page
PDF format

Cheers. Don't know if anybody has or will look at it, but it's there.

it snowed!

Yay!!!! The first snow during school! You could see it coming down during Old Testament, which is the first period on Tuesdays and Thursdays.