What! No Latin in the 'cloud'??!!!

I love the look of the word cloud... but I notices there is a paucity, indeed, a shocking paucity of Latin... I know many of you loved...hmm, endured...err...took Latin. And two students are competent Latinists, currently doing very well! There are also four up and coming students who work really hard on their Latin.  So let's get some Latin words out there!

Here are snippets of Latin verbage to 'salt' the cloud:

 Bonus Pastor laetus ovem in umeros imponit...
                                                   Oerberg   pagina 66

Lydia clamat, "Serva nos, domine!"  Medus interrogat,"Quis est ille dominus que tu invocas?"
"Est dominus noster Iesus Christus...." Lydia respondet.
                                                              Oerberg  pg 123

Magister "O Marce!" inquit, hoc modo nihil te docere possum! Tam stultus ac tam pigeres quam asinus!"
                                                    Oerberg pg. 131

And the perenniel Non-Latin favorite: semper ubi sub ubi

Valete Omnes!

2010-2011 School Year

It's already half way through the first trimester. Unbelievable.

This year has had it's share of changes from last year. Not only are we of course missing Ashley, Nathaniel, and Anna, but we are missing a wall. :) The wall between the chapel and the lunchroom has been taken out. The whole thing will eventually be turned into a chapel, I guess. Because of this, we had heating problems for a while because of the money it would take to heat a room that big. We have taken the divider-thingy from the gym (often used at graduations) and put it up to help keep the heat in. And wha la! Now we have heat.

The Senior Thesis class is keeping a blog, if anyone wants to keep up on that.