Rolling along...

Yeah, things seem good. Elliot and I were working for Mr. Nobles today, cleaning out some barns and whatnot.

Hey everybody, I've been doing some more changing around. Tell me (comment, email, whatever) if you can think of a better order for the items on the right. Seems a bit cluttered. I got rid of the PAN Box widget at the bottom of the page and put a link to the box in Providence Links. I've also secured a openomy account, but for easy accesibility, seems to work better right now.

I added a message box so people can easily drop us a line (via email). Or just use your own account and send a message to

In other news, I've been hearing about some new students for the school, but hardly a lot. So, perhaps I will talk to Mr. Buck, and see what exactly the news is.

And, here you go. In order to save time, I'll just link, but here is a picture I took at Wallowa Lake on July 4th, 2007. I sized it down to 1024 x 768, so just message me if you want bigger.

And, shortly after I add a poll, Blogger goes and introduces their own! Oh well, I'm actually kind of glad, because it caused me to find (amateur webmasters rejoice!).

So, where are you working at this summer, students (and teachers?)?


P.S. this is an update at 1:50 PM. I've been messing with templates, but I put it back to TicTac Green. But if anybody has any suggestions for a template, just contact us!


Me2 said...

Working at home. You bathrooms, doing dishes, making meals. Not too exciting, huh?

jennyanydots said...

I've been in school, what do you mean summer vacation!

Really, school was great so it wasn't an inconvenience at all, it was very fun.

I am gearing up now for a Record Book judging job for Baker County, it won't take long but is always fun to read the 4-H antics of kids in other counties.

PAN Staff said...

Matthew says: I am working at Mr. Hostetter's ranch 5 days a week...

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