Nathaniel's VOD Essay 2008

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Voice of Democracy

Some of the benefits which the youth of today's America possess are given to them only through the service and sacrifice of Americans in the military. Freedom, peace, and giving back are such benefits.
Our veterans serve and fight for the very thing that the fathers of our nation did. Freedom is something that man craves, and even stronger is the desire for religious freedom. The men of the colonies of America fought for freedom from England. To what end did they desire such? It was for a place with religious liberty and for a place better to raise their children, and for them to raise children of their own in a country free for them to serve God and enjoy Him, not just a random uprising for the sake of pointless revolution. Slavery was abolished in our country following the sacrifice of many lives in the Civil War. Americans currently fight to ensure the freedom of Middle Eastern nations from terrible regimes. Americans serve so that the children of the oppressed may have freedom. It is not just Americans that America fights for.
Had not our men served, would we now be the United Colonies of England? Would we all be forced to be in the Anglican church, not allowed religious liberty? Would the colonization of America have been slower, the harvest of such rich resources put on hold? Would Russia and China have made conquest into America? We cannot be sure of all such futures, but there are some things in history we can be sure of, such as an attack against America from Nazi Germany; such as huge chunk of America being under French control. We can be sure that if no action was taken against Japan, they most certainly would have further assaulted America. To let such things pass would be a watchmen opening the gates to the enemy, allowing them free reign to pillage and murder.
But we did not, and hopefully do not do such things so that youth can sit idle. We did it to give them freedom and peace, so that they could continue building such a country as we have today. We do it so that our youth may have an education, may have a career, may learn and appreciate art, may bless others, and may live a full and fruitful life. We do it to combat those who would take away such freedoms.
The service of America's veterans also benefits youth in another way; that they themselves may serve. Our youth will learn selflessness by giving to their country in this way, and even in giving to other countries, as young people of our military do at this very time. We may look up from our occupations, see and serve others, and remember why our fathers gave their service. America has been blessed greatly by God, and is it too much to be thankful for His grace?
It is altogether too common, and too easy in the minds of the young to forget the stories of their fathers, to not give a thought to their history, and to stumble blithely on. Freedom is not a right. Freedom is a gift. As a catchphrase for the war in the Middle East says, "Freedom is not free." It is without our history, and without our heritage that we crumble. It is my hope that the service and sacrifice of America's veterans will open the eyes of our youth. I hope that they will truly see what our fathers fought for and what we fight for now; it is not our fallen and corrupt and democracy. It is love. If the youth of our once great land would learn to love their brothers in Christian sociability, and make such a great sacrifice as those who have served our country, I hope that we would seek the forgiveness of the God we have violated, and that our beloved homeland would be spared.


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