Salvation Doctrines: Nathaniel's View

Hi, peoples, I decided to finish this post finally. It's been in draft like the whole summer (and I haven't worked on it).

[after this is basically original work]

There was a big discussion at Providence on Thursday (that would be the Thursday before the last Thursday of 2006-2007 school year) regarding some doctrine and stuff. The main topic was once you're saved, is it possible to fall away? Also related ideas and things like that.

The two big people in the discussion, I believe, are Blake Roddey and Mr. Buck. I have invited them both to the blog (Well, I don't know how many people use the Buck email...), so they can elaborate if they wish.

OK, here goes; my idea on it, my take of it.

Mr. Buck drew two trees on a white board as an illustration. They started out both the same. After some time, one of the trees bore fruit, but the other one stayed the same.

[now I start writing later]

What was I going to talk about?

Oh well, I'll just summarize my beliefs. I believe once you are truly saved, you can never become unsaved. The only way to become unsaved is to not really have ever been saved. And to be saved, you must repent to God, and ask God for His forgiveness. And if you really do that, their is no way to undo it.

Really, this is a sticky subject, but we shouldn't divide over it, I hope.

My mind goes to the parable of the seeds. I suppose it comes down to finding what is real. As to that, I'm not a theologian, so don't ask me.

So, I'll leave you to mull over that (and I hope at least one person reads this and remembers the discussion ;-). I'm looking forward to your comments.


p.s. if your wondering what the picture is for, check this link.

original post time was 5/25/07 8:44 PM


PAN Staff said...

good stuff, gnat...
now lets get into an argument over the 'temple model' of worship versus the 'synagogue model', eh?

=^) matthew

PAN Staff said...

i hate 2 mention this, but im getting popups on this site

PAN Staff said...

yeah, plenty of time to argue ;-)

As for the popups, I think i saw my mom get one on this site when using IE 7. Well, I have a superior browser and Adblock installed on it, so hard to tell, what?


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