An update… finally

Hello all, Nathaniel here, and it's been a while.

So, what's been going on at Providence Academy. Well, LeeAnna returned recently after healing up from a (literally) deadly staff infection, but Ashley found out she has mono. Not cool. And… what with all the sickness (LeeAnna's sick again… just a regular somethingarather, I am guessing), Wake Up Jane's clock is ticking away. Talent Show is on the 30th, and they haven't practiced for quite a while.

The rest of us have just been plugging away… Algebra 2 Chapter 5 test is on Tuesday (finally!). I already started it thought, and Anna's already got it finished.

Old Testament has been quiet enough, as usual. Rhetoric has been cool… we're reading some papers we did and debating them. Mr. Tollefson has no qualms about some intense questions.

Creative Writing I don't know much about… I can only guess it's been chugging along, too.

Chorus (yes, that's what it's *really* called): we've been chilling with this DVD called The Perfect Blend (is there really a 'the' on the front?)

Lunch… cool and boring as always. =)

That's all I can think of classwise right now.

And in blog news… I think maybe sometime in the near future I'll change the blog template to something light and a bit easier to read. Not that I don't like the template, but it's not the most ergonomic on the eyes. And, I've found some good sources for Blogger templates, it seems, so it's just a matter of finding a good one, applying it, and tweaking. Got any suggestions… specific recommendation or theme or style idea? Drop a comment if you do.

And, one more thing: I don't know if y'all noticed, but I changed a setting a while back so that the post date appears at the bottom of the post. Much better for reference.

Oh, and not to mention… Anna and Matthew recently rolled their car, but their all A-OK. The car is a bit damaged, but not totaled.

Ok, I'm done, I promise.


sunny_12 said...

"deadly"?! who said her staph was "deadly?" LOL!

Matthew said...

Well, I have to say I like what I've been hearing of Rhetoric class. Concur with the template. The insurance company calls the car totaled, but I guess it was a closer call than they expected; the value and the damage repair almost equaled out. Anyways, it would probably cost a few thousand to repair it, so I'm not sure we're going to bother salvaging it.

Nathaniel said...

Actually, LeeAnna said that, as far as I remember.

Hmmm... bummer about the car. About the templates, I looked through 13 pages of thumbnails on BTemplates last night and have a bunch of possibilities bookmarked. And there are lots more around the interwebs to check out.

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