What! No Latin in the 'cloud'??!!!
Here are snippets of Latin verbage to 'salt' the cloud:
Bonus Pastor laetus ovem in umeros imponit...
Oerberg pagina 66
Lydia clamat, "Serva nos, domine!" Medus interrogat,"Quis est ille dominus que tu invocas?"
"Est dominus noster Iesus Christus...." Lydia respondet.
Oerberg pg 123
Magister "O Marce!" inquit, hoc modo nihil te docere possum! Tam stultus ac tam pigeres quam asinus!"
Oerberg pg. 131
And the perenniel Non-Latin favorite: semper ubi sub ubi
Valete Omnes!
2010-2011 School Year
This year has had it's share of changes from last year. Not only are we of course missing Ashley, Nathaniel, and Anna, but we are missing a wall. :) The wall between the chapel and the lunchroom has been taken out. The whole thing will eventually be turned into a chapel, I guess. Because of this, we had heating problems for a while because of the money it would take to heat a room that big. We have taken the divider-thingy from the gym (often used at graduations) and put it up to help keep the heat in. And wha la! Now we have heat.
The Senior Thesis class is keeping a blog, if anyone wants to keep up on that.
Pictures from Aimee linked
Oh, and... subscribe to this blog already!!! Links up there!
Graduation 2010
Apologies for the blurrry photo. It’s hard to take photos in the gym because of the lighting.
But I did think it went pretty well. Smoothly for sure. Well, except the cheap DVD player that was working an hour before didn’t work when we were going to play the video of the seniors Luke made and the slideshow Mr. Buck put together. Too bad, but not crushing. We swapped in another player after the ceremony and put the stuff on for people to watch.
The cake via Johnny T was pretty decent. Punch was also nice. I thought I got the last mouthful, but then they made more. Feelings of smugness dissolved.
Thank you, everyone who came. I appreciate it. Thanks also to Mr. Buck, Luke Zwanziger (both for video stuff), Archie Hook for being M.C. and such, Mr. Tollefson for being our keynote speaker, and our parents for working with and without us to get ready for this thing.
Then we had a BBQ. And threw a disc around. With Aimee, yep.
The food was good. I drank a Sprite that tasted weird at first. Could have been warm, maybe that’s why.
Lots more pictures in Ashley’s album.
We eventually packed up. Some of us went over to our house to watch Bella. That movie is intense… too bad Matthew, Joseph, Elliot, and… Aimee! couldn’t resist riffing it.
And then Anna and Matthew headed back to Enterprise. Then we shot some baskets. And then we went over to Ashley’s and played Mafia. And then Leann and Jo left. And then Joe (our most excellent narrator) left. And then we hung out and ate stuff and talked and watched part of a musical and whatnot. I mocked Eric’s netbook. Tried to diagnose a problem with Beth’s notebook. Elliot and I left.
At some unknown point after that, I think everybody fell asleep.
Last day of school
May 27th. It was a pretty good day, if rainy.
A final in government (not too bad) and a final in Biology (bad). It should also be mentioned that on Monday, we dissected some dead animals in class. That was interesting.
So yeah, a couple tests, a play by the Latin class in the gym, a presentation from Mrs. Vernam’s little kids (with a song, yay!), a BBQ, and so on. The high school went over to Blue Banana and some people got some coffee (others didn’t). Our last days keep getting smaller and smaller…
Here are pictures from Anna. Enjoy.
Sorry, posts coming
I will have a posts up soon about our trip to Salem and the last day of school. And soon, graduation.
Salem trip planning smooth, fundraising about done
That’s the news that today’s Salem trip meeting brought. Mr. Buck still wants to raise a couple hundred more in order to have some padding, but the estimated trip cost is a bit under $2,000. Way cheaper than going to D.C., that’s for sure.
So that’s that. Sounds like it’s going to be a nice trip. Mr. Buck painted a lush picture of Silver Falls State Park as a paradise we would retreat to after a day’s outings. And at the crazy affordable rate of 200 something dollars for 11 people for several days (that’s in two cabins).
Student and Staff Blogs
Anna - Becoming Whole
Ashley - The Bravest Thing of All is Always Hope
Elliot - EJSmurf - Notes From a Neophyte Longboarder
LeeAnna - make up your mind
Joella - Can't Keep Quiet - Awakening
Joseph - Joe_sofat
Nathaniel - a broken mold
Joy - crazed_joyful
Matthew - a broken mold
Mrs. Vernam - applechexx
Mrs. Bomberger - Tanabu_Girl
Mr. Tollefson- tollyt
Got any more defunct (or not so defunct) blogs to add? Drop a comment.
We need new markers
Continuously. And since we’re a poor homeschool co-op we don’t always get shiny, cool new equipment. Arg. At least I don’t have to write stuff on the board all the time.
Late January Update
Well, anyway, I have a few things to update you all on what's going on (considering the last post was in September!). First of all, during the aforementioned interval, a plan was proposed by Mr. Buck for the Government class (and others? I'm not sure) to raise a bunch of money and take a week-long-ish trip to Washington, D.C (bear in mind that Mr. Tollefson teaches government, not Mr. B.). So we did a little fundraising. A little. Way slower than we should have been raising money. And today it got called off. Instead the plan is to go to Salem, here in Oregon. I had decided quite a while ago not to go along because I didn't want to commit to the crazy fundraising and wasn't even sure that I wanted to go to D.C. in this manner. Well, maybe I'll go to Salem. I could stand that. Seems like a spasm of field trips this year...
Which of course leads me to another topic. We went to Moscow two weeks ago (I'm thinkin'). We
- had lunch at Bucers in Moscow (totally yummy)
- went to NSA
- went to some other building
- came back to NSA and watched Collision there with Doug Wilson (and had coffee)
- had a Q and A period with Mr. Wilson
- had a Q and A period with Gordon Wilson about the unpublished first part of a biology textbook he wrote that we've been using in Biology class here at Providence/CHC (taught by Mrs. McDonald)
- went up to his office and talked about and looked at a turtle and two snakes
And... yeah. That's all I can really think of right now besides the wrap up. And that is: even if the school format this year isn't so hot, I think we're all pretty used to it by now, and it's running fairly well, and IMHO I don't mind it too much even though it is definitely different.