Robertson's Vacation - We're Back!

Hey everybody! We're back!

We had a great vacation at Three Rivers Resort (Lowell, Idaho) and Dworshack State Park in Idaho.

And by the way, here's a photo from the recent Hostetter-Rice wedding. Well, actually, this is at the reception, but still...


The next photo is at Dworshack State Park. This is a special effects photo of my father, mother, and brother.

Hey, that's cool, huh?

I shall endeavor to fill you in more tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in!



jennyanydots said...

Nice family pic! I hope you all had a fun vacation! Welcome home to the Robertson family

Mrs.Bomberger said...

so glad you had a good trip...Your dad asked me about places to go, but as we don't get out of state much, I came up dry... I did however suggest you all go to some shakespeare in Boise, but there was no taker...

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