The next installment. . .

You've all been waiting for it so here it comes!

After school today I went home with my chauffeur. (The hubby came to get me) and we went to Wallowa to get new snow tires on my car. It took about an hour to get through it and as I was sitting there in my car listening to Piano Puzzler on NPR, semi watching Kevin and the Hubby messing about with the tires, I fell asleep! I was awakened abruptly when the hubby opened the car door and set the 'keys are in the ignition' reminder pinging. I assumed it was the alarm clock and woke confused and searching for the snooze button.

This tells me that I need to go to bed earlier at night!

Then, to make amends, the hubby suggested we stop and get a pizza to take home for dinner, then we needed gas so we went to Gobels. Then headed home but noticed that, as Wallowa doesn't have a Dunkin' Donuts, a Sheriff and a State Cop car were parked in front of the Blond Strawberry.

This tells me that we have 'cool' law enforcement personnel.

As we came to Lostine, we drove through the Blue Banana and I ordered yet another Peppermint Mocha. Loretta laughed at me. She knows what I want when I get there and I just have to order 'the usual'!

This tells me I am stuck in a rut. I like my rut, it's warm and cozy and tastes like Christmas!

Then we came home, did the chores, cooked that pizza and I did a load of laundry, read the paper and sent the Hubby up for his pre-work nap.

Somethings never change!


Nathaniel said...

Hmmmm, sounds nice. And maybe expensive. But hey...

jennyanydots said...

It's only money and I don't plan to take it with me!

Nathaniel said...

Amen to that...

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