Parker Christmas Break!

Well! It's that time of year again folks.
Christmas is here. We got out of school yesterday. truthfully, it was a genuine relief. The chance to stop and take a breath was so very beneficial. I feel healthier :D. On the other hand, the antics of the boys, and conversations of our young ladies at school, and our teachers as well, will be much missed.
The first day of break: I went caroling with the Tollys, Moffits, and the Kemps. We caroled for a couple different individuals. We caught Alan in the midle of afeway and sang to him. Lol, it was quite the experience, singing in the middle of Safeway! We caroled for Mrs. and Mr. Roddey, and for the dear elderly at the nursing home.
After this, I came home and set to furious relational work at my computer. (Emailing ;). In the midst of this, somebody knocked on my window. I looked over to see a guy peering through the window in the night staring at me. Unnerving? I think so too! He was wearing a Santa hat. I was only to discover that the stranger was my favorite person in the whole brother! Yes, that is right. Eric randomly showed up at my window, having decided to come home early this year. So that resulted in a big twirl and hug, and a long late night of silly conversation.
Since then, I have been cleaning,and decorating the house, and consuming excessive amounts of chocolate. Can you say, "MMMmmmm!" ?
This week will hopefully only bring the best. Eric and I plan to learn some complex swing dance moves and take lots of pictures.
The season also brings its frightening aspects. Every year at Christmas Eve, my Parker reletives hold a party. There are about 100 of us in attendance. We gather around the piano, and my grandmother plays as we sing. This year my grandmother told me I had to take over the piano for her, so she could "retire" from it. I told her I couldnt do it, but she would have none of that. So in a couple days I will be playing in her place. I could back out if I wanted too, and just refuse to do it. I have that option. On the other hand, Mrs. Tolly told me I should consider it an honor. I am thinking, that if I decide not to do it, I will miss a major blessing. It will be like running away, and I would later regret that. I should face my fears and good will result. I know it. Now, if only I could convince myself. :D..
Okay. Will let yall know how that goes.
Miss you all!
Merry Christmas!


Nathaniel said...


I saw Eric do that! Ha!!!

Have a great break! I'm in Roseburg.


jennyanydots said...

Ashley, I hope you did play! Not only will you be completely blessed as well as challenged, you will give your family one of the greatest blessings of all, especially your Grandmother! She has confidence that you can do it so I know you will delight her regardless of how you think you did.

I hope your family had a wonderful Christmas!

Mrs.Bomberger said...

Ashley, I hope the carol playing went well. It sounds like your family has a really fun tradition! May you enjoy the rest of what seems to be an ever-shortening vacation!

Matthew said...

that's nice

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