Wednesday after school

I put my pumpkin spice cream cheese in the fridge and called a friend in Cove about her chickens. She left me a message that her Bardrocks are loosing their feathers and she's concerned that they would freeze over the winter. I gave her some suggestions about possible causes, and what to do, then we visited about all our kids, grandkids and some friends we don't get to see too often anymore. It was nice to talk to her!

Then I scoped out ticket prices and schedules for plane fares to Kansas City in January. My daughters have a plan and hopefully I'll get there as well, surprise one for her 30th, visit with both and have a nice but fast weekend visit together, if we can coordinate prices, times, days off, and all the other little things that can cause travel troubles.

Then the DH got up and called the Brother In Law in Joseph to give him a hard time because he's sold an old horse to a family, mostly because the horse is too old for what the brother in law wants, not because it's too old for life, it will make an excellent kids horse, BUT that isn't stopping the DH from giving his BIL a rough time about it. So, I eavesdropped and added my 2 cents worth about that being his wife's favorite horse and now it's gone, boohoohoo! In Laws are fun to mess with.

Then I checked e-bay to see if the gift item the DH is getting his Mother for Christmas was still his, it is. Then UPS delivered the gift I had ordered for my sister in law's Christmas present. I thought she'd like some breading pans to cook with so I found a nice set on the JC Penny website Friday and ordered them, I was tickled they came today! I opened the package, then opened the box with the item description, 'set of 3 stainless steel breading pans' and out slid a pair of men's slippers! Imagine my horror! So, then I called JCP customer service and got that sorted out! They were very helpful and apologetic.

Then I put left-overs in the oven for dinner, sat down and tried to read the paper. Last week when I made lasagna for dinner it apparently dripped a bit into the oven and I missed it, until tonight's dinner began to smell of burning cheese! I headed in the kitchen to put out what I thought was a fire and found a black liquid science project forming under the bottom element on top of the tin foil oven liner. Boy, it's FUN replacing a hot piece of stinky tin foil under a hot element that has a bit of burnt cheese residue on it while the oven it also hot! Everyone should get a chance to do that once in their life! But, disaster averted and the yams and ham didn't even taste of burnt lasagna when we ate them!

Then I decided I'd better do this before I forget what I did today!


Nathaniel said...

That's funny...
I was online for a while yesterday...
Later I worked on geometry which turned out to not be very fun. ;)

Mrs.Bomberger said...

This may not qualify , but after school Thursday this is what I did...I took a paper to Elliot's house and then got up to Enterprise to pick up my husband. He had to wait for a phone call, so I did sudokuwhile I waited. We came home, got the mail and had Nathan's Hot dogs (probably the very best hotdogs in existance) with baked beans and cornchips for dinner. We talked about what kind of Christmas tree to get this year and where to put it. We will go looking for an ideal tree Friday. I love closure!

Ashley said...

Thursday night:
I had piano.
I went to the play on It was HILARIOUS! Seeing Nathan and Tyler in little devil costumes was sooo funnny. I got to spend time with Tyler and LeeAnna and Joella again..ahh sweet just like old times and laughed my head off.
Then Dad revived my keeyboard and I hooked up my keyboard next to the computer and played along wih the windows media player, Barlowgirl. I cant do that with my piano because it is sooo out of tune! Augh.
Then I did homework. Lots and lots of homework...

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