The First Day of School

NOTICE: due to Executive Order Number 5223, school has been canceled nation wide this year.

Well, it was a good start today here at Providence Academy. Some things are familiar, but many things are different. Notably, the high school students seemed to have a lack of storage space.

There are still a fair amount of things to be ironed out, but we have taken the first step!

Here are some photos captured today.

In the hall before chapel

esteemed alumnus Cody Moffit stopped by before chapel

Mr. Buck in the very first chapel of this year!

a slice of the classroom

Mrs. Roddey explains things to her class

Oh, and a real notice: Blogger states that they are having a "Scheduled outage at 11PM PDT." Follow this link for more info.



sunny_12 said...

Yay! I was waiting for this. I knew that you would post right after school.
I missed my sister today. As soon as she got back I gave her a big hug.
Great pictures...

Mrs.Bomberger said...

I thought it went pretty well... No one spilled milk or whined about missing their neighborhood playmates.

I thought the new students integrated well and seemed happy to be there.

Ashley said...

Hey pictures! We all love an "animated" post. haha;) I thought it was a wonderous day. Everyone laughed at eachother (Cough...I mean with...laughed WITH eachother..cough) and we talked as if there were no months of summer vacation that had ever seperated any of us. It was great to see the littler ones running around, so bright and enthusiastic, excited, wide-eyed, wanting to soak up knowledge. Yeah. It was great. Cant wait for Tuesday!

PAN Staff said...

esteemed alumnus moffit looks as if he didn't want to be photographed

sunny_12 said...

Great pictures.

Oh! And (I feel I must tell everyone) I got an electric guitar that day! It's so pwetty. :)

jennyanydots said...

Pretty exciting first week! It felt like having 2 first day of school days with Tuesday off but everyone seemed to survive that well.

Next week should be a bit more settled, and it will just be smoother from then on.

Have a blessed and FUN year, all!

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