The Last Week of Vacation: Day Four

Hello again.

Yes, I'm still here. I haven't quit yet.

Well, it's sort of hitting me, but slowly. School starts Monday? You must be kidding... right?

Yeah, well, you know what they say: the truth hurts. More correctly, the truth hurts sometimes.

In case you were wondering, that's not the question of the day. Actually I don't think I put a lot into it today, so I decided on something cliché. So hear this: what is you're favorite subject in school (this year, any year)? Or do you have more than one.

You think I'm going to tell you my favorite subject?

OK, you we're right.

Actually, I can't say I really have a favorite subject. It would probably be a matter of which subjects I enjoy the most. It's a kind of indifference for me, I suppose.

Therefore: algebra, advanced composition. That's what comes to mind. And then there's Mrs. Bomberger's Evil Revenge. I gripe about Latin, but now I'm stuck with it. ;)

Alright, I admit I am glad I learned Latin. The question is, how long can I remember the mechanics?

Notice: you have four days of vacation left, including today.


Ashley said...

Favorite class. If you think about it, for some people it could be more than just the subject they are learning. It could be who the teacher is, what room it's in, the students sharing the same class, what they away with, the time of day, etc.
But I am not biast about those sorts of things really because each teacher is a gem and I couldnt ask for better ones. Each classmate is holds a special place in the school and they leave a resinent memory. Time of day? Who cares? Anyways....
I would tend to like English class best purely because I love to write.
Then probably apologetics and New testement because it is so cool thgat we are being grounded in Scripture and ways to communicate and defend our faith. Who could ask for more? ;) Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

sunny_12 said...

My favorite subjects are (I can't decide on one): Math, history, spelling, and I'm not bad at english but I don't really like it.

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