The Last Week of Vacation: Day Six

Hey, thanks for your comments, everybody. I like it!

I already pulled some stuff from my huge backpack I got at Ant Flat (very good condition except one side pocket has a ripped out bottom). I put a bunch of stuff in there on the last day of school. It's just been sitting in my room and I haven't some much since. I took everything out of it today, I think (you know, I think I took out a few things... 'cause there was some school stuff on my floor, I think).

Made a pile of sorts of the stuff I would need this year out of that stuff. I looked at a school journal from last year. That was in Mrs. Bomby's Advanced Composition class. Which reminds me, I'll be taking Literature this year. And so will Elliot, and, well, a lot of other people (a lot in ratio to total student count, more like).

Things seem destined to be different this year. in a very good way, I hope. Some of us remember when we had, what, around 40 students? Maybe God will bless us in a very amazing way (you know, like more amazing than usual, if you catch my drift, and he alrady has blessed us by helping us through harder times). Maybe 40 students will seem like a handful in a few year. Maybe...

Anyway, here's what you have all been waiting for. The question!

And that is: are you ready for school?!?

[repeats in loader more ominous, almost game show type voice; "Arrrre you reeeeady?!!"]

And my answer is yes. No.

I'm ready to get back into it in a way, somewhat, but I feel like "ooops! School's in two days! Where's my pencils?"

In other words, it seems sudden, if you follow me.

So, don't worry. When I come to school Monday, I'll have a pencil. If not two. Or more.

Including today, you have two days of vacation left. Have fun!


sunny_12 said...

I see you've added "Teen Saints" to your blog links. I thought you guys would like that blog...

Ready for school (or in my case school work)... who could ever be?

jennyanydots said...

I'm ready!

And if you need a pencil, come see me, I have some extras!

Everyone, have a blessed and profitable year.

LeeAnna said...

This is LeeAnna.Nice to see you guys keeping up with the prov blog.
I do believe that I am ready for school...2marrow!


Ashley said...

I am SOOO excited and not completely ready for school! I am sooo excited to see my "school brothers and sisters family" and teachers. I am bouncing off the walls! In fact I almost cried tonight because I realize it starts now: I get to pack a school lunch tonight1 YAY! What a wonderful world......;) See yall Monday! YAY!

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