The Last Week of Vacation: Day Two

What ho, everybody!

Have you ever thought how hard this is?? I mean, I have to come up with original material 7 days in a row? Do you think I'm creative or something?!?

But here's my question to you for today: what grade do you try to get at least on your assignments (do you care?)?

I think even at our school that C's are still passing. B's are average, I think. A's are excellent. And perfect A+ 100% is just... perfect.

As for me, I try to get A's. B's are okay, but I like A's better.

So what's your preferred grade?

You have six days left, including today.

P.S. sunny_12, just email us at and we can send you an invite to the blog if you want. If you're a member your comments will show up immediately and you will be able to post if you want. Cheers.
[added at 4:59 PM]


Ashley said...

A's are much more fun than bs, if you don't spend your time doodling on your neighbors textbook, or talking they can be accompished!
C's are rather depressing....
Yes I know you have to be origanal 7 days straight. We feel your pain. ;)

jennyanydots said...

I like to get A's. I usually work toward that end. B's are acceptable if I know I have done my best and the B is earned. I don't much like C's but trust me when I say I was HAPPY to get them in Math!

Yes, teachers do still receive grades, on occasion.

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